Conversation: 007-138
Prev:  007-137 Next: 007-139Start Date: 15-Aug-1971 10:40 PM
End Date: 15-Aug-1971 10:42 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Haig, Alexander M., Jr.; Recording Device: White House Telephone
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 05:13:29
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 05:15:30
NARA Description:
On August 15, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon and Alexander M. Haig, Jr. talked on the telephone from 10:40 pm to 10:42 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 007-138 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 7-138 Date: August 15, 1971 Time: 10:40 pm - 10:42 pm Location: White House Telephone Alexander M. Haig, Jr. talked with the President. Wage-price freeze speech -Haig's reaction -Others' reaction -Michael J. (“Mike”) Mansfield -Jacob K. Javits -J. Kenneth Galbraith -Milton Friedman -Frank R. Milliken -Industry -Chrysler 88 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Freeman Gosden Vietnam negotiations -Henry A. Kissinger Conv. No. 7-138 (cont.)