Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 011-086

Prev:  011-085 Next: 011-087

Start Date: 14-Oct-1971 9:00 AM

End Date: 14-Oct-1971 9:12 AM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Mitchell, John N.

Recording Device: White House Telephone

Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 02:12:39

Full Tape Conversation End Time: 02:24:10


NARA Description:

On October 14, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon and John N. Mitchell talked on the telephone from 9:00 am to 9:12 am. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 011-086 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 11-86

Date: October 14, 1971
Time: 9:00 am - 9:12 am
Location: White House Telephone

John N. Mitchell talked with the President.

[See Conversation No. 592-1]

     Supreme Court nominations
              -American Bar Association [ABA] report
                    -Publicity to names submitted
              -The President's instructions
                    -Dean of law school
                    -Jewish names
                    -Edward H. Levi
                    -Frank M. Johnson
                    -Charles Clark
                    -Law school person
                                -Charles Alan Wright
                    -Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
                    -Possible problems
              -The ABA's assessments
                    -Warren E. Burger
                    -Harry A. Blackmun
                    -The President’s view
                    -John D. Ehrlichman's check
              -Mitchell's objectives with the ABA
                    -Herschel H. Friday
                    -Mildred L. Lillie
                          -Lawrence E. ("Ed") Walsh
              -Richard H. Poff


                                      Tape Subject Log
                                        (rev. 10/06)

                -White House strategy
                -The President's instructions for Mitchell
                     -ABA timetable
                -The President's intention
                     -Comments for the press
                     -Ronald L. Ziegler
                            -Possiblity of a woman
                            -Robert C. Byrd
                -Mitchell's conversation with Burger
                     -Possiblity of a woman
                -Media comments on mediocrity
                     -Hugo L. Black
                     -New York Times
                            -[Forename unknown] Graham
                -Schedule of submission of names
                     -White House strategy
                            -Earl Warren appointee