Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 012-053

Prev:  012-052 Next: 012-054

Start Date: 21-Oct-1971 6:08 PM

End Date: 21-Oct-1971 6:24 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Colson, Charles W.

Recording Device: White House Telephone

Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 01:13:07

Full Tape Conversation End Time: 01:29:20


NARA Description:

On October 21, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon and Charles W. Colson talked on the telephone from 6:08 pm to 6:24 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 012-053 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 12-53

Date: October 21, 1971
Time: 6:08 pm- 6:24 pm
Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with Charles W. Colson.

[See Conversation No. 281-58]

     Account of the day's developments
         -Supreme Court nominees
         -John A. Volpe
               -Edward M. Kennedy
                     -Washington Post, New York Times
                     -Francis X. Morrissey nomination
         -Consumer Price Index [CPI]
         -Stock market
               -Prime rate
                     -Federal Reserve
                     -Redemption of mutual funds
                           -Colson's conversation with John Hare
                           -Peter M. Flanigan
                           -Arthur F. Burns
                           -George P. Shultz
                                       -Federal Reserve appointments
               -Money supply
                                 -John B. Connally
                                 -William L. Safire
                     -Discount rate
                     -Shultz’s view
               -Eliot Janeway
                     -Outlook for future
               -Walter E. Heller


                                      Tape Subject Log
                                        (rev. 10/06)

                 -Time, board of editors
            -Colson's conversation with Thomas J. Meskill
                            -The President's strength
                            -Support for the President
            -H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman
                 -Washington Post
                       -Louis P. Harris
                            -Washington Star

            -George H. Gallup
                 -Donald H. Rumsfeld
                 -Edward M. Kennedy
                        -Support for the President
            -Harris, [Forename unknown] Becker, Albert E. Sindlinger

    Supreme Court nominees
         -Educational background
         -Colson's conversation with newspapers
         -The President's candidates
               -Public relations
         -The President's public relations image
               -People's Republic of China [PRC]
               -Ronald L. Ziegler