Conversation: 013-036
Prev:  013-035 Next: 013-037Start Date: 29-Oct-1971 3:10 PM
End Date: 29-Oct-1971 3:20 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Rockefeller, Nelson A.; Recording Device: White House Telephone
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 01:16:53
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 01:27:18
NARA Description:
On October 29, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon and Nelson A. Rockefeller talked on the telephone from 3:10 pm to 3:20 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 013-036 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 13-36 Date: October 29, 1971 Time: 3:10 pm - 3:20 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Nelson A. Rockefeller. [See Conversation No. 302-17] Dr. W. Kenneth Riland ********************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 [Personal Returnable] [Duration: 41s ] END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 ********************************************************************** Rockefeller's conversation with Robert H. Finch -Finch's forthcoming trip to Latin America Underdeveloped nations -President's economic program -10 Percent import charge President's Economic Program -10 Percent import charge -Negotiations with Canada -Venezuela -President's conversation with John B. Connally -United Nations [UN] vote on Taiwan -US supporters -Mexico -Indonesia -Thailand 26 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) -Japan -Africa -Mexico -Samuel Gompers’ Theory -President Luis Echeverria Alvarez of Mexico -Europeans -Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Thailand -Japan -Forthcoming meeting with Connally -10 Percent import charge -Finch's forthcoming trip to Latin America -Timing -Negotiations with Canada -George P. Shultz -Finch's forthcoming trip to Latin America -Timing -Negotiations with Canada -Shultz's forthcoming call to Rockefeller -Finch's forthcoming trip to Latin America -Division of Labor -Schedule -Possible effect -Shultz's call to Rockefeller Attica -Forthcoming bond issue -Albert Shakerr's views