Conversation: 018-017
Prev:  018-016 Next: 018-018Start Date: 9-Jan-1972 12:41 PM
End Date: 9-Jan-1972 12:52 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Kissinger, Henry A.; Recording Device: White House Telephone
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 00:25:44
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 00:37:17
NARA Description:
On January 9, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and Henry A. Kissinger talked on the telephone from 12:41 pm to 12:52 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 018-017 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 18-17 Date: January 9, 1972 Time: 12:41 pm - 12:52 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Henry A. Kissinger. [See Conversation No. 312-4] Happy birthday for the President Weather in California Vietnam troop withdrawal announcement for January 12, 1972 -Timing -Department of Defense [DOD] briefing -Melvin R. Laird's role -The President’s role -Statement to press -Credit to Laird -Vietnamization -Prisoners of war [POWs] -Laird's efforts -[David] Kenneth Rush -Kissinger's forthcoming talk with Laird -Laird's briefing of the press -The President’s role -Rush -Alexander M. Haig, Jr. 13 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) -Negotiations -Forthcoming announcements -Timing -Troop withdrawals -POWs -Timing Rush -Kissinger’s recent conversation with Mitchell -Laird -Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions [MBFR], Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT] -Qualifications for the job -Germany -Defense Department -Loyalty Sheik Mujibur Rahman's trip -New Delhi and Dacca -Airport arrival -Possible diplomatic reception -Islamabad -Zulfikar Ali Bhutto -Release of Mujibar Rahman Bangladesh -Pakistan -Possible recognition -Mujibur Rahman US recognition of Mujibur Rahman -Diplomatic reception -US political counsellor’s presence -Compared to ambassador -People's Republic of China [PRC] -Timing -Pakistan -The President’s forthcoming trip to the PRC -US political counsellor Haig -Trip to the PRC 14 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) -Hangchow -Return to the US Morning newspapers Malta -British withdrawal from military bases -Italy -Edward R.G. Heath -Soviet Union -Possible base -North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] offer -Italy -British -Heath, Dominic Mintoff ************************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 [National Security] [Duration: 9s ] MALTA END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 ************************************************************************** Italian government -Future prospects -Possible visit by the Italians ************************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 2 [National Security] [Duration: 3s ] 15 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) ITALY END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 2 ************************************************************************** -Republican Party in Italy -Possible visit by the Italians -The President’s forthcoming trip to the PRC Kissinger in California