Conversation: 023-032
Prev:  023-031 Next: 023-033Start Date: 19-Apr-1972 12:57 PM
End Date: 19-Apr-1972 1:09 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Colson, Charles W.; Recording Device: White House Telephone
NARA Description:
On April 19, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and Charles W. Colson talked on the telephone from 12:57 pm to 1:09 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 023-032 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 23-32 Date: April 19, 1972 Time: 12:57-1:09 pm Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Charles W. Colson. [See also Conversation No. 331-24] International Telephone and Telegraph [ITT] case -Hearings -Colson's report -Harry D. Steward -Edwin Reinecke -Edgar Gillenwaters -Jack Gleason -Cancellation -Afternoon session -Delays 25 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 1/13) -Gleason -Absence -Problems -Administration tactics -Postponement of hearings -Gleason -Adjournment -Peter M. Flanigan testimony -Length -Germaneness fight -Night sessions -James O. Eastland's attitudes -Roman L. Hruska -Administration lobbying Vietnam -The President's policies -Support -Veterans of Foreign Wars [VFW] representative -Charge of defeatism -North Vietnamese offensive -Barry M. Goldwater and Samuel S. Stratton -Resolution -News reports -Republicans -Demonstrations -Number -[Douglas L.?] Hallett -Administration's countercharges -North Vietnamese offensive -John C. Stennis -Melvin R. Laird -William P. Rogers's testimony -Applause in Congress -Democratic caucus -Postponement -Thomas P. O'Neill -Democratic resolution -Political consequences -Opposition -Stratton resolution -Problems for Democrats 26 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 1/13) -O’Neill -Stratton -Goldwater -Criticism of Democrats -The President's policies -Consistency of supporters -Robert A. Taft, Jr. -Charges against Democrats -Joseph L. Vicites -VFW -Congressmen -Public support -The President's determination -Public support -Mayor of Alexandria, Louisiana -Ronald W. Reagan -Nelson A. Rockefeller -Frank E. Fitzsimmons -George Meany -Silence on issue -Fitzsimmons -Peter J. Brennan -Henry C. Cashen II -Attacks on antiwar Democrats -Rogers -Laird -Television coverage -Doves -Impact -News report -Rowland Evans and Robert D. Novak column -The President's state of mind -Inaccuracies -Political considerations ITT case -Flanigan testimony -Benefits -Gleason testimony -Adjournment -Hearings -Gillenwaters testimony 27 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 1/13) -Hruska -Reinecke