Conversation: 026-012
Prev:  026-011 Next: 026-013Start Date: 27-Jun-1972 12:03 PM
End Date: 27-Jun-1972 1:36 PM
Haldeman, H. R. ("Bob"); Ziegler, Ronald L.; Recording Device: White House Telephone
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 00:12:06
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 00:14:27
NARA Description:
On June 27, 1972, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman and Ronald L. Ziegler talked on the telephone at an unknown time between 12:03 pm and 1:36 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 026-012 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 26-12 Date: June 27, 1972 Time: Unknown between 12:03 and 1:36 pm Location: White House Telephone H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman talked with Ronald L. Ziegler. [See Conversation No. 743-6C] The President’s baseball greats list -Pre-war relief pitcher -Hugh Casey -Mace Brown -“Doc” Crandall -Records -Crandall -New York Giants -Casey -Brown's record -Crandall's record 6 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Jan-02) -Casey's record -Pittsburgh relief pitcher -Elroy Face