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Conversation: 033-002

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Start Date: 3-Nov-1972 9:48 PM

End Date: 3-Nov-1972 10:12 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Colson, Charles W.

Recording Device: White House Telephone


NARA Description:

On November 3, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and Charles W. Colson talked on the telephone from 9:48 pm to 10:12 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 033-002 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 33-2

Date: November 3, 1972
Time: 9:48 pm and 10:12 pm
Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with Charles W. Colson.

       The President’s schedule

       Stock market
            -Current figure
            -Wall Street
                  -Impact of 1972 election
                  -Influence on voting
            -Latest figure
                  -Compared to 1968
                  -1000 level
                        -Jim Curry’s view

[Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift]


                               Tape Subject Log
                                 (rev. June-07)

                                                          Conversation No. 33-2 (cont’d)

1972 election
     -Republican candidates
            -Rhode Island
                  -Herbert F. DeSimone
                        -Chances of victory
                  -John H. Chafee
                        -Chances of victory
                               -Claiborne Pell
                               -Latest poll
                                     -Providence Journal
                               -The President's trip to Rhode Island, November 3, 1972
     -The President’s recent trips to Tulsa and Chicago
            -Television coverage
                  -Columbia Broadcasting System [CBS]
                        -Airport shots
            -The President's remarks
                  -Call for national unity
                  -Impact on Democrats
     -Hubert H. Humphrey
            -Support for the President
                  -The President's appreciation
     -George S. McGovern
                  -Detroit News
                  -Baltimore Sun
                  -Washington Post
                  -Boston Globe
                  -New York Times
                  -Radio coverage
                        -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew
     -The President’s schedule


                         Tape Subject Log
                           (rev. June-07)

                                                   Conversation No. 33-2 (cont’d)

                   -Call from H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman
             -Television coverage
             -The President's remarks
       -Henry A. Kissinger's remarks
       -The President's remarks
       -Remarks on Vietnam
                   -Frank F. Mankiewicz
                         -Concessions to Nguyen Van Thieu
                               -Melvin R. Laird
                               -William P. Rogers
                               -Contrast with Humphrey and the President in 1968
       -Television appearance
             -Physical appearance, age
                   -Compared to the President
             -Media coverage
                   -Compared to the President’s recent trips
                         -Chicago, Tulsa
                         -Air Force One
-The President's recent trips
       -Crowd sizes
             -Rhode Island
             -Television shots
       -Louis P. Harris


                         Tape Subject Log
                           (rev. June-07)

                                                    Conversation No. 33-2 (cont’d)

           -Point spread
           -Point spread
                 -The President’s view
                       -Compared to Colson’s view
                 -Blue collar shift
                 -Mankiewiez interview
                       -News summary
                 -Confidence in the President
                       -Compared to McGovern
       -The President's remark in Tulsa
             -Impact of election on negotiation
             -Media coverage
                   -Colson’s recent conversation with Kissinger
                   -Kissinger’s role
-The President's trip to North Carolina
       -Press and media coverage


                        Tape Subject Log
                          (rev. June-07)

                                                 Conversation No. 33-2 (cont’d)

            -George H. Gallup
      -Colson’s recent conversation with Donald F. Rodgers
            -Los Angeles
            -Paul Hall
            -Level of activity
                  -Democratic demoralization
            -Impact in San Francisco
      -Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon's visit
      -Point spread
      -The President’s chances
      -Busing advertisements
      -Point spread
            -Detroit News
      -Black vote
      -United Auto Workers [UAW] activity
      -Antibusing advertisements
            -Detroit News
      -The President's chances
            -Colson’s recent conversations with Henry C. Cashen, II
      -Robert P. Griffin
            -Electoral prospects
      -McGovern's recent remark
            -Effect on voters
                  -Compared to Edmund S. Muskie in New Hampshire


                         Tape Subject Log
                           (rev. June-07)

                                                   Conversation No. 33-2 (cont’d)

                 -Compared to Harry S. Truman and Drew Pearson
                       -[Margaret Truman]
                 -Battle Creek
      -Final vote
             -Cashen’s [?] view
      -Blue collar vote
-Harris poll
      -Changes since September 1972
             -Union vote
             -Catholic vote
      -Catholic, union vote
      -The President's chances
             -Catholic, blue collar vote
-The President's speech in Providence, November 3, 1972
             -Effect on suburbs
             -Compared to McGovern
             -Marvin L. Kalb's remarks
                         -Kissinger's briefing
-Vietnam settlement
      -Wire services
      -Laird, Rogers, the President
             -Rebuttal to McGovern
-CBS strike
      -Face the Nation
             -Agnew’s possible appearance
                   -Colson’s recent conversation with George P. Shultz


                        Tape Subject Log
                          (rev. June-07)

                                                 Conversation No. 33-2 (cont’d)

                 -International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers [IBEW]
                       -Union criticism
                             -Colson’s recent conversation with Frank E.
                       -Shultz’s and Colson’s view
                       -The President’s decision
      -Frank L. Rizzo’s response
      -Robert J. Dole's demands for apology
      -Mrs. Nixon's visit
      -Rizzo’s comments
             -The President’s appearances
-William F. (“Billy”) Graham
      -Support for the President
                   -Integrity, morality
-The President's campaign
             -Contrast with McGovern
      -Mankiewicz interview
      -Thomas F. Eagleton
      -Wholesale Price Index [WPI]

                            NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

                                       Tape Subject Log
                                         (rev. June-07)

                                                          Conversation No. 33-2 (cont’d)

                        -Media coverage
             -The President's schedule
                  -Plane rides

[End segment reviewed under deed of gift]