Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 034-015

Prev:  034-014 Next: 034-016

Start Date: 4-Dec-1972 8:23 PM

End Date: 4-Dec-1972 8:32 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Kennedy, Richard T. (Col.)

Recording Device: White House Telephone


NARA Description:

On December 4, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and Col. Richard T. Kennedy talked on the telephone from 8:23 pm to 8:32 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 034-015 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 34-15

Date: December 4, 1972
Time: 8:23 pm - 8:32 pm
Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with Col. Richard T. Kennedy.

       Vietnam negotiations
            -Message to Henry A. Kissinger
                        -Option Two
                        -Break off of talks
                              -North Vietnamese responsibility
                                    -Explanation for record
                                    -Political issues
                                           -Reneging on meaning of agreement
                                                  -Translation problem
                                    -Military issues
                                           -North Vietnamese forces in South Vietnam
                                    -Possible television [TV] statement by the President
                                                  -Kissinger’s return
                                                  -US bombing
                                           -The President’s view


                                      Tape Subject Log
                                        (rev. Dec.-07)

                                                             Conversation No. 34-15 (cont’d)

                                                 -Possible conversation with Kissinger
                                     -North Vietnamese publicity
                                     -Briefings by Kissinger
                                           -Blame on North Vietnam
             -Recent call from Kissinger
                               -Soviet Union, People’s Republic of China [PRC]
             -Message to Kissinger
                  -The President’s possible actions
                               -Hanoi-Haiphong complex
                  -Break off
                         -Kissinger’s return
                         -North Vietnamese publicity
                         -Briefing by Kissinger
                  -Possible TV statement by the President
                         -Compared to the President’s Cambodia and May 8, 1972 statements
                               -Public hope for success
                               -Soviet Union
                               -Domestic front