Conversation: 035-123
Prev:  035-122 Next: 035-124Start Date: 10-Jan-1973 3:41 PM
End Date: 10-Jan-1973 3:46 PM
Haldeman, H. R. ("Bob"); Nixon, Richard M. (President); Recording Device: White House Telephone
NARA Description:
On January 10, 1973, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman and President Richard M. Nixon talked on the telephone from 3:41 pm to 3:46 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 035-123 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 35-123 Date: January 10, 1973 Time: 3:41 pm - 3 :46 pm Location: White House Telephone H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman talked with the President. [See Conversation No. 395-8] Vietnam negotiations -Report -Timing -Paris -Haldeman's recent conversation with Henry A. Kissinger -Progress of talks -Schedule changes -Presidential approval -Procedures -Compared to substance -January 10, 1973 meeting -108- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct.-07) Conversation No. 35-123 (cont’d) -Duration -Technical meeting -Technical meeting, January 11, 1973 -Kissinger’s schedule, January 13, 1973 -Return from Paris -Trip to Hanoi -Pace of talks -Report -The President’s recent conversation with Col. Richard T. Kennedy -Meeting -Haldeman’s recent conversation with Kissinger -Instruction for Haldeman -Kennedy -Meeting with Haldeman and Alexander M. Haig, Jr. -The President’s conversation with Kissinger -Kissinger’s trip to Hanoi -Signing of settlement agreement -The President’s television [TV] announcement -Purpose -Explanation -Timing -Kissinger’s trip to Hanoi -Signing of settlement agreement -The President’s TV announcement -Timing -Meeting with Congressional leaders -Cease-fire -Prisoners of War [POWs] -Kissinger’s and North Vietnamese intentions Second term reorganization -Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division -Lewis A. Engman -J. Stanley Pottinger -Ehrlichman -Age -Problem -Older and younger lawyers Donald A. Webster -109- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct.-07)