Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 035-147

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Start Date: 11-Jan-1973 5:12 PM

End Date: 11-Jan-1973 5:13 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Shultz, George P.

Recording Device: White House Telephone


NARA Description:

On January 11, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and George P. Shultz talked on the telephone from 5:12 pm to 5:13 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 035-147 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 35-147

Date: January 11, 1973
Time: 5:12 pm - 5:13 pm
Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with George P. Shultz.

[See Conversation No. 401-31/402-1I]

       The President's conversation with Frederick B. Dent
            -Shultz's announcement on Phase III
                  -Response of business community
                  -Ronald L. Ziegler’s view

       Pierre Rinfret
             -Current meeting with Shultz
             -View of Phase III
             -Letter to the President
             -Trade problems
             -International monetary affairs
             -Message from the President
                   -Rinfret’s speech supporting Phase III