Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 037-017

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Start Date: 1-Mar-1973 10:52 AM

End Date: 1-Mar-1973 10:56 AM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Kleindienst, Richard G.

Recording Device: White House Telephone


NARA Description:

On March 1, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Richard G. Kleindienst talked on the telephone from 10:52 am to 10:56 am. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 037-017 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 37-17

Date: March 1, 1973
Time: 10:52 am-10:56 am
Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with Richard G. Kleindienst.

[See Conversation No. 866-12]

       Governors' Conference
             -President’s statement
             -Revenue sharing
             -Milton J. Shapp

       President’s schedule
              -John W. Dean, III
              -Golda Meir

       L. Patrick Gray III's confirmation testimony
               -Availability of Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] files
                      -James O. Eastland
                      -Samuel J. Ervin, Jr.
               -Alger Hiss case
                      -President’s speech in Congress
                      -Lack of cooperation by executive branch
                               -Harry S. Truman
                                      -Tom C. Clark

                                     -J. Edgar Hoover
                                     -Justice Department
                                     -White House
                                    - 11 -


                              Tape Subject Log
                                (rev. Sept-09)
                                                      Conversation No. 37-17 (cont’d)

                              -Compared to Watergate burglary
                              -FBI files
                                      -Congressional access
       -Availability of FBI files
              -Bella S. Abzug
                      -Miami riots
                      -Black Panthers

      -Compared to Hiss case
             -White House cooperation
      -White House contact
             -President’s involvement
      -Kleindienst’s conversation with Howard H. Baker, Jr.
             -Ralph Flanders
                     -Press relations
                     -Joseph McCarthy
             -Press relations

Gray's confirmation testimony
       -Press relations
       -Meetings with Kleindienst
       -Political sophistication
                                              - 12 -

                            NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

                                        Tape Subject Log
                                          (rev. Sept-09)
                                                           Conversation No. 37-17 (cont’d)

                      -Law man
              -Press relations
                      -Eastern press

             -White House contact
             -Availability of FBI files
                    -New York Times
                    -Washington Post
                    -Dean’s investigation