Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 039-079

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Start Date: 4-Jun-1973 9:39 PM

End Date: 4-Jun-1973 9:48 PM


White House operatorNixon, Richard M. (President)Haig, Alexander M., Jr.

Recording Device: White House Telephone


NARA Description:

On June 4, 1973, White House operator, President Richard M. Nixon, and Alexander M. Haig, Jr. talked on the telephone from 9:39 pm to 9:48 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 039-079 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 39-79

Date: June 4, 1973
Time: 9:39 pm - 9:48 pm
Location: White House Telephone

The White House operator talked with the President.

       Incoming telephone call

Alexander M. Haig, Jr. talked with the President.

[See also Conversation No. 442-67]

       Haig’s previous meeting with Melvin R. Laird


             -White House tapes

                    -President’s review

             -John W. Dean, III         


             -White House tapes

                    -President’s review

       Haig’s previous meeting with Laird
                     -Bryce N. Harlow, J. Fred Buzhardt, Jr., and William J. Baroody, Jr.
              -Buzhardt’s and Baroody’s earlier meeting with Laird
                     -John B. Connally’s visit to Haig’s office
              -Timing of announcement of return to White House staff
              -Laird’s forthcoming activities


                               Tape Subject Log
                              (rev. February-2011)

                                                       Conversation No. 39-79 (cont’d)

             -Spiro T. Agnew           

             -Laird’s wife’s reaction

       -Administration’s forthcoming activities

             -Vietnam, energy, economy

             -Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] directorship 

                     -Haig’s interviews

White House staff
      -Roles of Laird, Harlow, and Haig
             -President’s forthcoming meeting with boss, Howard [Last name
              unknown] [at Proctor and Gamble]

Haig’s previous meeting with Connally
       -Laird’s role on White House staff
       -Connally’s departure
               -Future role with White House staff      


               -Future role with administration

                      -President’s regard


Haig’s forthcoming conversation with Connally
              -Future role with administration


Laird’s call to Henry A. Kissinger, June 3
                -Future on White House staff

       -Possible non-White House activities
              -President’s assessment

      -President’s schedule


                                     Tape Subject Log 

                                    (rev. February-2011)

                                                              Conversation No. 39-79 (cont’d)

              -Forthcoming conversation with Haig
                     -Connally’s foreign travel
                            -President’s opinion contrasted with Kissinger’s opinion
                            -Possible effect
              -Treatment by Haig         

              -Concern regarding Laird          

              -Conversation with Haig         


       President’s schedule


             -White House tapes

                    -President’s review of conversations with Dean         

                                    -Key Biscayne
                                    -Camp David

                    -Reaction to examination of Dean’s files

             -Archibald Cox          

                    -Relationship with Sam J. Ervin, Jr. 

                    -Possible resignation         

                                    -Elliot L. Richardson
                                    -Henry E. Petersen