Conversation: 039-133
Prev:  039-132 Next: 039-134Start Date: 7-Jun-1973 1:43 PM
End Date: 7-Jun-1973 1:46 PM
White House operator; Nixon, Richard M. (President); Warren, Gerald L.; Recording Device: White House Telephone
NARA Description:
On June 7, 1973, White House operator, President Richard M. Nixon, and Gerald L. Warren talked on the telephone from 1:43 pm to 1:46 pm. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 039-133 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 39-133 Date: June 7, 1973 Time: 1:43 pm - 1:46 pm Location: White House Telephone The White House operator talked with the President. Incoming telephone call The President talked with Gerald L. Warren. [See also Conversation No. 441-27] Clarence M. Kelly’s appointment to Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] -Press briefing, June 7 -Confirmation hearings -Testimony -“War on crime,” human rights -Local cooperation -Press reaction -Elliot L. Richardson’s comments News leads -Cabinet meeting -National economy -Wholesale Price Index -Cabinet -Alexander M. Haig, Jr.’s personal sacrifice -Kelly -Watergate -Popular opinion -Contrasted with press focus -110- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. February-2011)