Conversation: 040-024
Prev:  040-023 Next: 040-025Start Date: 12-Jun-1973 9:19 AM
End Date: 12-Jun-1973 9:25 AM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Harlow, Bryce N.; Haig, Alexander M., Jr.; Recording Device: White House Telephone
NARA Description:
On June 12, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon, Bryce N. Harlow, and Alexander M. Haig, Jr. talked on the telephone from 9:19 am to 9:25 am. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 040-024 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 40-24 Date: June 12, 1973 Time: 9:19 am - 9:25 am Location: White House Telephone The President talked with Bryce Harlow. [See also Conversation No. 937-5A] -22- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. March-2011) Conversation No. 40-24 (cont’d) President’s conversation with Alexander M. Haig, Jr. -Harlow’s joining of the White House staff President’s telephone call to Howard J. Morgan -Morgan described -Physical attributes -Harlow’s advice to the President regarding Morgan -Harlow’s forthcoming role on White House staff Harlow -Conversation with Haig -Role on White House staff -Melvin R. Laird’s role -Domestic policy -Congressional relations -Advisor to President -Politics -Haig’s role -George H. W. Bush -Spiro T. Agnew -Nelson A. Rockefeller, Ronald W. Reagan -Haig and Laird’s roles -Relationship with President -Announcement -Date -Schedule -Haig -Beginning date Watergate -Henry M. (“Scoop”) Jackson’s statement concerning Brezhnev’s forthcoming visit -Partisan reaction -President’s response -Congress -President’s handling -Press relations -Compared to Alger Hiss case and Five Percenters -Impeachment of Harry S. Truman -1968 campaign -23- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. March-2011) Conversation No. 40-24 (cont’d) -Lyndon B. Johnson’s bombing halt -President’s reaction The President conferred with Haig. [Begin conferral] Harlow -Role on White House staff -Haig’s role -President’s telephone call -Beginning date -Vacation [End conferral] Harlow -Visits to Key Biscayne and Camp David with Haig, Laird, and President