Conversation: 094-001
Prev:  093-003 Next: 094-002Start Date: 7-Mar-1972 8:04 AM
End Date: 7-Mar-1972 9:58 AM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Agnew, Spiro T. (Vice President); Richardson, Elliot L.; Walker, Charls E.; Scott, Hugh; Griffin, Robert P.; Allott, Gordon L.; Cotton, Norris; Smith, Margaret Chase; Dominick, Peter H.; Bennett, Wallace F.; Ford, Gerald R.; Arends, Leslie C.; Anderson, John B.; Conable, Barber B., Jr.; Poff, Richard H.; Wilson, Robert C. ("Bob"); Rhodes, John J.; Smith, H. Allen; Devine, Samuel L.; Byrnes, John W.; Dole, Robert J.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Shultz, George P.; MacGregor, Clark; Timmons, William E.; Klein, Herbert G.; Dent, Harry S.; Korologos, Thomas C.; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Koch, Noel C.; Cook, Richard K.; Recording Device: Cabinet Room
NARA Description:
On March 7, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, Elliot Richardson, and Republican Congressional leaders, including Charls E. Walker, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Gordon L. Allott, Norris Cotton, Margaret Chase Smith, Peter H. Dominick, Wallace F. Bennett, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Richard H. Poff, Robert C. ("Bob") Wilson, John J. Rhodes, H. Allen Smith, Samuel L. Devine, John W. Byrnes, Robert J. Dole, John D. Ehrlichman, George P. Shultz, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Herbert G. Klein, Harry S. Dent, Thomas C. Korologos, Ronald L. Ziegler, Noel C. Koch, and Richard K. Cook, met in the Cabinet Room of the White House from 8:04 am to 9:58 am. The Cabinet Room taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 094-001 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 94-1 Date: March 7, 1972 Time: 8:04 am - 9:58 am Location: Cabinet Room The President met with Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, Elliot L. Richardson, Charls E. Walker, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, Gordon L. Allott, Norris Cotton, Margaret Chase Smith, Peter H. Dominick, Wallace F. Bennett, Gerald R. Ford, Leslie C. Arends, John B. Anderson, Barber B. Conable, Jr., Richard H. Poff, Robert C. (“Bob”) Wilson, John J. Rhodes, H. Allen Smith, Samuel L. Devine, John W. Byrnes, Robert J. Dole, John D. Ehrlichman, George P. Shultz, Clark MacGregor, William E. Timmons, Herbert G. Klein, Harry S. Dent, Thomas C. Korologos, Ronald L. Ziegler, Noel C. Koch, and Richard K. Cook [General conversation/Unintelligible] Greetings Gifts Revenue sharing and welfare reform -Congressional action -John B. Connally’s testimony -Walker -Byrnes -Conable -Ways and Means Committee -Wilbur D. Mills -Bills -Content -Administration bill -Comparison of Mills’ and administration bills -Retroactivity -Distribution -Population -Local government -Urban distribution -Byrnes -Family income cutoff -Distribution -Ways and Means Committee -Mills’ speech 2 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Votes -Democrats -Compromise between Mills’ and administration bills -Ways and Means Committee -Conable -State distribution -Mills -Byrnes -Inheritance tax discussion -Byrnes -Problems -Distribution -States -Local jurisdictions -Mills -Compromise bill -Committee vote -William Proxmire -Ford -Meeting with Mills -New Hampshire -Committee votes -Republicans -The President -Length -Bills -Democrats and Republicans -Distribution -States -Income taxes -Texas and Tennessee -Mills -Candidate -Work on committee -Mayors’ Conference in Washington, DC -Primaries -Meeting with Ford -Meeting with mayors -Republicans -Committee votes -Agnew -Mills 3 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Committee votes -Majority -Mills -Agnew meeting -Carl B. Albert -”Meet the Press” quote -Compromise bill -Walker -Committee cooperation -Mills -Votes -Mills’ speech, March 6th -Republican voting record -Majority -Partisan issue -Richardson -Committee -Griffin -Bennett -Mills’ bill -Social Security -Welfare -Problem of time usage -Committee members -Other committees -Herman E. Talmadge -Ancher Nelsen -Work on the bill -Sections -Social Security -Percentages -House bill -Benefits -Widows -Increases -Catastrophic section of the bill -Welfare fraud -Arkansas indictment -Attorney -Head of Welfare department -Prosecution -Abraham A. Ribicoff 4 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Welfare bill -House Resolution [HR] 1 -Submitted as is -Welfare -Recipients -Ronald W. Reagan approach -Submission -Department of Health, Education, and Welfare [HEW] -White House -Agreements -Mills -Robert C. Byrd [?] -Talmadge -Federal government -HEW -Mills -Submission of a bill -Timing -Ribicoff -Fred R. Harris -Presidential race -National Insurance Bill -Edward M. (“Ted”) Kennedy -Byrnes -Conable -Ways and Means Committee -Social Security -Catastrophic coverage -Health message -Catastrophic coverage -Senate -Employer’s coverage -Russell B. Long -Administration policy -Mills -Long -Byrnes -Revenue sharing -[Unintelligible] -Talmadge -Byrd -[Unintelligible] 5 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -HR 1 -Long -Social Security -Percentages -Welfare reform -Catastrophic illness coverage -Social Security -Increase in benefits -Walter F. Mondale proposal -Finances -Mills’ proposal -Wage base increase -Ways and Means Committee -Social Security -Finances -Future -Senior citizens -Florida primary -Mills -Finance Committee -Byrnes -1973 budget -Cost of living increases -Revenue sharing -Social Security -Benefits -Advisory Council -Mills -Administration’s position -Senior citizens groups -Budget -Wage and price controls -Advisory committee approach -Conable -System -Mills’ proposal -Revenue sharing -Mayors’ meeting -Transcript -Press conference -Republican leadership -Mills 6 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Democrats -Mayor [Forename unknown] Briggs -Talk with Ford -Retroactivity -White House proposal compared to Mills’ proposal -Walker -Mills’ proposal -Ford Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty -Michael J. (“Mike”) Mansfield and Scott -Talk with Ford -George D. Aiken -J. William Fulbright -Funds -Conference report -Signatures -Fulbright -United States Information Service [USIS] Busing -Higher Education Bill and Emergency School Aid Bill -Dr. Thomas E. (“Doc”) Morgan -John T. Myers [?] -Supreme Court -House vote -Partisans -Absentees -Southern Representatives -Mecklenburg County problem -John N. Ashbrook amendment -William S. Broomfield amendment -Legislative package -Broomfield amendment -Supreme Court -Broomfield amendment -Jacob K. Javits -Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. -Conferees -Vote -Percentage -Robert W. Packwood 7 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Javits -Constitutional amendment -Samuel J. Ervin, Jr. -Courts -Constitution -Article III -House votes -Camp David -Decisions to be made -Quality education -Constitutional amendment -Senate versus House -Broomfield amendment -Constitutional amendment -House committee -Hearings -Timing -Constitutional amendment group -Broomfield amendment -Legislative problems -Emotional impact -Testimony -Community Act of 1789 -Federal intervention -1875 -Emotional impact -Fourteenth amendment -HEW -Department of Justice -Ashbrook amendment -William J. Green amendment -Richardson -Example -Alexandria, Virginia situation -Cook -Superintendent -J. Stanley Pottinger -Call to HEW -Letter -Forced busing -Local school board -Bureaucracy 8 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Cabinet meetings -Pottinger -Director, Office of Civil Rights -Republican -Edward L. Morgan -Court cases -Mobile, Alabama -HEW role -Pottinger -Politics -Legislature -Administration’s position -Constitutional issue -Partisans -Mondale Voters Registration Bill -Equal Rights Amendment -Ervin Republican leadership -Thank you for support -Work with Democrats -Performance -Senate and House -Mills -Next meeting -Accomplishments -Domestic Council -Pension Bill -Thomas E. Dewey quote -Long -Mills The People’s Republic of China trip -American reaction -Shoe repairman Campaign Bill -Peter M. Flanigan [?] -Griffin [?] -Smith 9 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Contributions -Criminal penalty -Candidates -Financial statements -Common Cause -Senate -General Accounting Office [GAO] -Flanigan [?] -Employees needed -Mills -Tax credit provision -Internal Revenue Service [IRS] regulations -Financial limit -Mills -Audits -Tax deductions -Maurice H. Stans [General conversation/Unintelligible] The President, et al. left at 9:58 am