Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 113-005

Prev:  113-004 Next: 113-006

Start Date: 26-Jan-1973 11:12 AM

End Date: 26-Jan-1973 11:59 AM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Agnew, Spiro T. (Vice President)Shultz, George P.Mansfield, Michael J. ("Mike")Byrd, Robert C.Scott, HughGriffin, Robert P.McClellan, John L.Long, Russell B.Young, Milton R.Bennett, Wallace F.Albert, Carl B.Ford, Gerald R.McFall, John J.Mahon, George H.Mills, Wilbur D.Cederberg, Elford A.Schneebeli, Herman T.Ehrlichman, John D.Stein, HerbertTimmons, William E.Weinberger, Caspar W. ("Cap")Cole, Kenneth R., Jr.Malek, Frederic V.Galanti, PhyllisSadler, DarleneKnapp, HeleneWhite House photographerNixon, Richard M. (President)Agnew, Spiro T. (Vice President)Shultz, George P.Mansfield, Michael J. ("Mike")Byrd, Robert C.Scott, HughGriffin, Robert P.McClellan, John L.Long, Russell B.Young, Milton R.Bennett, Wallace F.Albert, Carl B.Ford, Gerald R.McFall, John J.Mahon, George H.Mills, Wilbur D.Cederberg, Elford A.Schneebeli, Herman T.Ehrlichman, John D.Stein, HerbertTimmons, William E.Weinberger, Caspar W. ("Cap")Cole, Kenneth R., Jr.Malek, Frederic V.Galanti, PhyllisSadler, DarleneKnapp, HeleneWhite House photographer

Recording Device: Cabinet Room



NARA Description:

On January 26, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, and bipartisan Congressional leaders, including George P. Shultz, Michael J. ("Mike") Mansfield, Robert C. Byrd, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, John L. McClellan, Russell B. Long, Milton R. Young, Wallace F. Bennett, Carl B. Albert, Gerald R. Ford, John J. McFall, George H. Mahon, Wilbur D. Mills, Elford A. Cederberg, Herman T. Schneebeli, John D. Ehrlichman, Herbert Stein, William E. Timmons, Caspar W. ("Cap") Weinberger, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr., Frederic V. Malek, Phyllis Galanti, Darlene Sadler, Helene Knapp, the White House photographer, and members of the press, met in the Cabinet Room of the White House from 11:12 am to 11:59 am. The Cabinet Room taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 113-005 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 113-5

Date: January 26, 1973
Time: 11:12 am - 11:59 am
Location: Cabinet Room

The President met with Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, George P. Shultz, Michael J. (“Mike”)
Mansfield, Robert C. Byrd, Hugh Scott, Robert P. Griffin, John L. McClellan, Russell B. Long,
Milton R. Young, Wallace F. Bennett, Carl B. Albert, Gerald R. Ford, John J. McFall, George H.
Mahon, Wilbur D. Mills, Elford A. Cederberg, Herman T. Schneebeli, John D. Ehrlichman,
Herbert Stein, William E. Timmons, Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger, Kenneth R. Cole, Jr.,


                                      Tape Subject Log
                                        (rev. 10/08)

Frederic V. Malek, Phillis Galanti, Darlene Sadler, and Helene Knapp; the White House
photographer and members of the press were present at the beginning of the meeting
[This is a continuation of Conversation No. 113-4]

     Prisoner of war [POW] wives
          -President’s remarks

Galanti, Sadler, and Knapp left at 11:15 am

     [General conversation/Unintelligible]

     Possible Congressional Resolution
          -National Day of Prayer
          -Bipartisan support

     Vietnam cease-fire agreement
          -Effect on budget
               -Military withdrawal
               -Economic aid
                     -North Vietnam
          -Defense budget
               -Vietnam War expenditures
               -All-volunteer military
               -Force levels
               -Background briefing book


     Defense budget

[To listen to the segment (1m31s) declassified on 02/28/2002, please refer to RC# E-607.]


     1973 Budget
          -Unspent appropriated funds
               -Congressional appropriations


                                Tape Subject Log
                                  (rev. 10/08)

          -Presidential precedent
          -Targeted programs

1974 budget
     -Program reductions
           -Balanced budget
     -Program increases
           -Aid to elderly
           -Food stamps
           -School lunches
           -Veterans’ Administration [VA] care
           -Civil rights enforcement, minority assistance
           -Crime assistance
           -Pollution control
                 -Farmer’s income
           -Mass transit
           -Federally assisted
           -Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD]
     -Revenue sharing
     -Briefing books
     -Expenses controllable by Congress
     -Congressional responsibility
           -Tax increase
           -Spending ceilings
           -Harry S Truman
                 -Air Force
           -President’s responsibility
           -Congressional appropriations


                          Tape Subject Log
                            (rev. 10/08)

     -Future budgets
           -Spending ceilings
           -Richard G. Kleindienst’s opinion
-Options and role of Congress
     -Debt limit
     -Congressional action
     -Airport construction bill
     -Controllables versus noncontrollables
     -Joint Budget Committee
           -Impoundment problems
     -Congressional spending
     -Ways and Means Committee
           -Mills’ view
           -Appropriations Committee
                 -Mahon’s view
     -Lyndon B. Johnson
     -Budget cuts
     -Guaranteed loans
     -Rural Electrification Administration [REA]
     -Bipartisan breakfast meetings
     -President’s responsibility

                            NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF

                                         Tape Subject Log
                                           (rev. 10/08)


     Defense budget

[To listen to the segment (12s) declassified on 02/28/2002, please refer to RC# E-607.]


                       -White House staff
                            -Roy L. Ash
                       -Congress’s role
                       -Spending level

     President’s schedule

     [General conversation/Unintelligible]

The President, et al. left at 11:59 am