Conversation: 147-009
Prev:  147-008 Next: 147-010Start Date: 7-Oct-1972 12:33 PM
End Date: 7-Oct-1972 1:00 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Colson, Charles W.; Recording Device: Camp David Study Table
NARA Description:
On October 7, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and Charles W. Colson talked on the telephone at Camp David from 12:33 pm to 1:00 pm. The Camp David Study Table taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 147-009 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 147-9 Date: October 7, 1972 Time: 12:33 pm - 1:00 pm 10 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) Location: Camp David Study Table The President talked with Charles W. Colson. [See Conversation No. 217-24] Radio speech on Federal spending, October 7, 1972 -Analysis -Use of radio -Ease -Franklin D. Roosevelt -Comparisons -Welfare -Raymond K. Price, Jr. -Spending -George S. McGovern's proposals, Congress -Family analogy -John D. Ehrlichman -Congressional committees -Number -Fred B. Rhodes -Veterans Administration [VA] -View of President’s radio speech -The President's radio voice -Other possible topics -Veterans -Farmers -Speech by the President -Grain deal -Administration’s position -Chicago -Compared to motorcade -Labor -Labor Day -Defense and American spirit -Aid to private schools -Advantages of radio -Television -Press coverage -The President’s radio voice -Columnists 11 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) -A. James Reichley -McGovern -Presentation of issues -McGovern -The President’s preparation of speech -Radio compared to television -Promotion on radio -Colson’s view -Tax relief for retirees -Richard M. Scammon -Samuel Lubell -The President’s press conference -Press coverage -Camp David Scammon -Louis P. Harris poll -Slippage -Campaign -"Dirty trick" -Chicago Tribune syndicate -Gary Hart -McGovern ***************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 [Personal returnable] [Duration: 1m 55s ] END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 ***************************************************************** The President's comment in radio speech -Federal spending -Non-partisan nature -Bryce N. Harlow 12 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) -The President’s instructions -George H. Mahon -Wilbur D. Mills -Carl B. Albert -Russell B. Long -Senate Finance Committee -McGovern McGovern -Slippage -Ku Klux Klan [KKK] -Republican Party -Comparisons -"Rum, Romanism and Rebellion" -Jacob K. Javits -Robert J. Dole -Republicans -Blacks -Washington Post -Joseph McCarthy -Possible use of black to reply -Defense department -Johnnie Johnson -Brig. Gen. Daniel ("Chappy") James, Jr. -Kenneth W. Clawson -Demagogue charge against Nixon -Amnesty -Tax issue -Increase -Administration’s response -Cleveland speech -Defense -Foreign policy -Press corps -William P. Rogers -Howard K. Smith -Comments Welfare -Liberals -The President’s recent radio address 13 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) -Taxes -Democratic proposal -$1000 per person McGovern -Clawson -McCarthyism -William Greider -Washington Post -Charge of Republicans paying Negroes not to vote -Vietnam -Communists -Administration’s stance -Monday magazine -Republican National Committee [RNC] -McGovern cartoon -Bombing -Communists -Defense -Jobs -Melvin R. Laird -Communists -Communists -South Vietnamese -Population -Upcoming speeches Republican advertisements -Vietnam -Colson’s previous conversation with H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman -Meeting -Haldeman’s view -Speeches -Advertisement writers -Defense of administration policy -Amnesty -Potential Republican losses -Youth vote -Jewish vote -Potential Republican gains -Blue collar 14 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) -Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. -Domestic Council -Disagreement -Haldeman -Vietnam -Korea -World War II -Canada The President's speeches for radio broadcast -Farm -Special issues -Private school -Goals for the future compared to issues -Columnists -View of the American people -Relevant issues -Scarsdale -Columnists The President's Federal spending speech -Taxes -Welfare -Public view Baseball game