Conversation: 229-011
Prev:  229-010 Next: 229-012Start Date: 21-Nov-1972 9:25 AM
End Date: 21-Nov-1972 10:35 AM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Haldeman, H. R. ("Bob"); Camp David Operator; Woods, Rose Mary; Brennan, John V.; [Unknown person(s)]; Recording Device: Camp David Hard Wire
NARA Description:
On November 21, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, Camp David operator, Rose Mary Woods, John V. Brennan, and unknown person(s) met in the Aspen Lodge study at Camp David at an unknown time between 9:25 am and 10:35 am. The Camp David Hard Wire taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 229-011 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 229-11 Date: November 21, 1972 Time: Unknown between 9:25 am and 10:35 am Location: Camp David Hard Wire The President met with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman. The President's schedule -November 24, 1972 -Dr. William O. Chase -George W. Romney, John A. Volpe -Possible delay ****************************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] -Dentist -Haircut -Trip to New York -Dentist [End segment reviewed under deed of gift] ****************************************************************************** The President talked with the Camp David operator at an unknown time between 9:25 am and 9:28 am. [Conversation No. 229-11A] [See Conversation No. 155-24] [End of telephone conversation] The President's schedule -Haircut -Meeting with Volpe -Preparations -8- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Meeting with John [D. Ehrlichman] -Meeting with Donald H. Rumsfeld -Meeting with Ehrlichman The President talked with Rose Mary Woods between 9:28 am and 9:32 am. [See Conversation No. 155-25] [Conversation No. 229-11B] [End of telephone conversation] Second term reorganization -Rumsfeld -Recent meeting with the President -Ehrlichman -White House staff -Job offers -Republican National Committee [RNC] -Plans -Recent meeting with the President -Ehrlichman The President's schedule -Leslie T. (“Bob”) Hope -Recent telephone call to the President -Possible telephone call from the President -Visit toWashington, DC -Shoreham Hotel -Purpose -Haldeman’s recent conversation with Hope -Possible meeting with the President -Hope’s possible trip to the People’s Republic of China [PRC] -Henry A. Kissinger -Possible telephone call from the President -Trip to Camp David -Dinner -Timing -November 21, 1972 -9- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Transportation -Helicopter -November 22, 1972 -Meetings -White House staff -Dr. Edward E. David, Jr. -Barry M.Goldwater -James D. Hodgson -William P. Clements, Jr. -David M. Kennedy -William L. Safire -Robert J.Dole ****************************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] Republican National Committee [RNC] Chairmanship -Dole’s replacement -Press coverage -George H.W. Bush -Call to Ehrlichman -Job Offer -Barbara Bush -Change from United Nations [UN] -John N. Mitchell -Haldeman’s conversation with Mitchell -Mitchell’s support for Bush -Talking points -Dole -Mitchell -Bryce N. Harlow -Removal -Rationale -Full-time chairman -Telephone calls -Charles W. Colson -Harlow -Mitchell -Lee R. Nunn -10- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Congressional Campaign Committees -Press coverage -Mitchell’s advice -Timing -Meeting with the President -Bush -Acceptance of offer -Announcement -Dole -Removal -Pressure -Gerald R. Ford -Hugh Scott -William E. Timmons [End segment reviewed under deed of gift] ****************************************************************************** Second term reorganization -Meeting with Haldeman and Ehrlichman -Cabinet -Sub-Cabinet -Lower-level appointments -Frederic V. Malek -The President's schedule -Herbert Stein -Herbert G. Klein -Councils -Marina von N. Whitman -Unknown person -Russell E. Train -David -Cabinet appointments -Departures -Incoming appointees -Volpe -Meeting with the President -Preparation -Ehrlichman -11- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -John N. Mitchell -Possible argument for retention -Rumsfeld -Recent meeting with President -Rumsfeld’s previous meeting Ehrlichman -Plans -Job offers -European Economic Community [EEC] -Peter G. Peterson -Ambassadorship -Secretary of the Navy -Cabinet post -Duration -Transition The President talked with Woods between 9:43 am and 9:48 am. [Conversation No. 229-11C] [See Conversation No. 155-26; one item has been withdrawn from this conversation] [End of telephone conversation] ****************************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] The President’s schedule -Dentist -Barber [End of segment reviewed under deed of gift] ****************************************************************************** Haldeman talked with an unknown person at an unknown time between 9:48 am. and 10:35 am. [Conversation No. 229-11D] -Hope -12- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Meeting with the President -Timing -Trip to Camp David -Transportation -Helicopter [End of telephone conversation] The President's image -Kindness -William P. Rogers -Rumsfeld -Recent meeting with the President -Richard M. Helms Second term reorganization -Helms -[Ambassadorship to Iran] -Rumsfeld -Recent meeting with the President -Agenda -Senate race -Foreign travel -Ehrlichman -Senate race -Possible problems -Unknown book Soviet Union -Message from Anatoliy Dobrynin to Henry A. Kissinger in Paris -Possible trip by Tricia Nixon Cox and Edward R. F. Cox -Timing -Forthcoming message -Soviet Union position on Vietnam Vietnam negotiations -Message from Kissinger -Re-typing -Summary -Tone -Kissinger’s conversation with Le Duc Tho -13- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -North Vietnamese troops in South Vietnam -Proposed changes -Number -Cease-fire -Timing -Laos, Cambodia -Military action -Settlement agreement -Timing -Schedule -Current status -Kissinger message -Dealings with Le Duc Tho -[log within “Kissinger’s conversations….”] -Proposed changes -Request for US assurances -Hanoi, Moscow, Peking -North Vietnam’s reaction of inflexibility, ultimatum -Continuation of War -Duration -Later meeting -Report ****************************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] 1972 election -Patrick J. Buchanan -Monographs -New York Times -Harrison E. Salisbury -Op-ed -“Dirtiest Campaign Ever” -Reliability [End segment reviewed under deed of gift] ****************************************************************************** -14- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) 1973 Inauguration -Pavilion -Design -Contractor -Modern design -The President’s view -1969 design -Haldeman’s view -Origins -Nancy Hanks, Leonard Garment -Competition -Metropolitan Washington chapters of American Institute of Architects [AIA] -Jury selection -Winner -Winner -Possible Conflict -Washington chapter of AIA -Jury selection -Rejection -J. Willard (“Bill”) Marriott, Jr. -The President's role -Selection of design -Planning -Capitol building -Acceptance -The President’s disapproval -Modification -Possible conflict -Traditional design -Expense -Possible conflict -Acceptance -The President’s disapproval Modern art -National Endowment for the Humanities [NEH] -Garment -Hanks -Budget art -15- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) Bicentennial Commission -Frank Stanton -Attitude toward administration -Public statements Second term Reorganization Commission -Stein -Meeting with the President -Shultz -Meeting with Pierre Rinfret -Rinfret’s possible role -Rinfret’s work in 1972 campaign -Stein -Rinfret -Garment -The President's old friends -Peter M. Flanigan -Klein -Treatment -Garment -Work for law firm Mudge, Stern, Baldwin and Todd -1963 salary -1964, 1966 -Rinfret -1972 campaign -Campaign work -Compared to Flanigan -1960, 1968 campaign -Finances -Flanigan -Assistant to the President -Title -Special consultant to the President -Salary -Compared to Flanigan -Status -Automobile -Change in office -Title -16- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Flanigan -Flanigan -Office location -Executive office building [EOB] -West Wing -John C. Whitaker -Loyalty -Garment -Treatment -Travel -Title -Original intention -Kitchen cabinet -Rank -Salary The President's schedule -The President’s letter to Lyndon B. Johnson -Dictation Second term reorganization -Meeting with Haldeman and Ehrlichman -Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] -Frederick B. Dent -Peterson -Schultz -Peterson -Plans -Commerce Department -Departure -Contributions to administration -Loyalty -Relationship with Charles H. Percy Press relations -Nicholas P. Thimmesch -Possible meeting with the President -Effect on book ****************************************************************************** -17- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] -RNC -Dole -Colson [End segment reviewed under deed of gift] ****************************************************************************** Second term reorganization -George D. Webster -Internal Revenue Service [IRS] appointment -John A. Scali -United Nations [UN] ambassadorship -Appointment -Erhlichman -Ronald L. Ziegler -Intelligence -Possible conflicts with Kissinger -Controversy Press relations -Kissinger -Vietnam negotiations -Secret meetings -Time -Life -[Exclusion from White House] -Man of the year award -Time Man of the Year award -Possible interview -The President’s accomplishments -PRC trip -May 8, 1972 -Soviet Union trip -1972 campaign -Vietnam negotiations -1971 -The President’s interview -Cooperation -18- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Interviews -Hugh S. Sidey -Roger's view -Oriana Fallacci, November 2 and 4, 1972 -Time Man of the Year award -Announcement -Timing -The President -Two-time winners -Johnson [1964, 1967] -Accomplishments -1972 election, Soviet Union trip, PRC trip, Vietnam negotiations and settlement agreement The President's schedule -Trip to New York -Hotel accommodations -Presidential suite -Charles G. (“Bebe”) Rebozo -The President’s Family Second term reorganization -Cabinet -Scali -Italian-American -[HUD] -Quality of candidates -Webster -Schultz -The President’s schedule -Webster -Peter J. Brennan -Appointment -Claude S. Brinegar -Background -Los Angeles -Irish-Catholic -HUD Transportation Department -Interior Department -Problem -19- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Union Oil Company -HUD Qualifications -Compared to Peterson -Interview -Earl L. Butz -Problem -Independence -Changes in Agriculture Department -Ehrlichman -Rogers C. B. Morton -Changes in Interior Department -Ehrlichman -National Park Service -Retention -Meeting with the President The President's schedule -Meeting with Nelson A. Rockefeller -Rockefeller’s recent dinner with Mitchell -Elliot L. Richardson -Defense Department -Kissinger -Rockefeller’s view -Richardson’s trustworthiness, presidential ambition -Rumor -Possible source -Kissinger -Ehrlichman, Haldeman -Mitchell’s advice Second term reorganization -Colson -Plans -Announcement -Timing -White House Staff, Cabinet -Colson’s recent conversation with Haldeman -Departure -Timing -Malek -20- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Job offer -Cabinet appointment -Interior Department -[Office of Management and Budget] [OMB] -OMB -Work with Roy L. Ash John V. (“Jack”) Brennan [?] entered at an unknown time after 9:48 am. Information Brennan left at an unknown time before 10:35 am. Second term reorganization -Malek -Plans -Retention -Stein ****************************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] RNC -Bush -Reorganization -Jimmy Allison -William E. Brock III, Barber B. Conable, Jr. -Meeting with the President [End segment reviewed under deed of gift] ****************************************************************************** Second term reorganization -Butz -Changes in Agriculture Department -Ehrlichman -Job titles -Super Cabinet -21- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Use of term by Ehrlichman, Shultz, Butz -Counsellor -Congressional relations -Responsibilities -Lack of ex officio designation -Shultz -Move to White House -Title -Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs -Ehrlichman -Title -Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs -Areas of division -Economic, domestic, foreign affairs -Economic affairs -Domestic, foreign affairs Kissinger -Meeting with Haldeman -Timing -Vietnam negotiations -Second term reorganization -Key Biscayne meetings -Relations with Rogers -Resignation threat -Acceptance -Resignation threat -Meeting with Haldeman -Departure from administration -Timing -Relations with other staff members -Meeting with Haldeman -Timing -Relations with Rogers -Reorganization of State Department -Roger’s management style -Source of conflict -Credit -Departures -Timing -22- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Kissinger’s conversations with the President -Rogers's departure -Timing and conditions -Haldeman’s conversations with Kissinger -Departure of Rogers Second term reorganization -State Department -Rogers’ departure -Possible firing -Justification -Change of administration -Timing -January or June 1973 -Control -Secretary -David Kenneth Rush -John B. Connally -Connally -Possible title -Assistant President -Presidential ambitions -The President’s recent conversation with Colson -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew -Haldeman’s and the President’s role -The President’s signals -Harry S. Dent, Colson -Secretary of State -Assistant President -State Department -November 20, 1972 meeting -Rush -Deputy Secretary of State -Ambassadorship to France -Roger’s departure -Secretary -William J. Casey -Deputy Secretary of State -Rush -Casey -23- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Under secretary for Administration -Delegation of responsibilities from Rush -Rush -Cooperation with the President -Departure -Age -Roger’s departure -Work with Casey -Casey's responsibilities -Casey -Promotion -Deputy Secretary of State -Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs -Robert S. Ingersoll -Ambassadorship to Japan -V. Alexis Johnson -Job Officer -Ambassadorship to Japan -Ingersoll -Age -Departure -Medal of Freedom -Previous positions as Under Secretary of State, Ambassador -Ambassadorship -Kissinger -Role in appointments -Exclusion -Communication -Mitchell -Connally -Cabinet -Interest -Mitchell’s view -Presidential ambitions -1976 -Mitchell’s view -Age, reading -Rockefeller’s view -Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] -Dr. James r. Schlesinger -24- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) -Energy -Flanigan -Energy problems -Ehrlichman -Tod R. Hullin -Kenneth R. Cole, Jr. -Whitaker -International aspects -Schultz -Toughness -Schultz -Position in [Council on International Economic Policy] [CIEP] -Energy -Publicity -The President’s conversation with Flanigan -Duration -Promotion -Senate information -Scandal -[International Telephone and Telegraph] [ITT] -Colson -Rumsfeld -Recent meeting with the President -Klein -Forthcoming meeting with Haldeman -White House Staff -1972 campaign -Office of Communications -Press Office -Ziegler's responsibilities -Streamlining -Colson’s departure -Role -Frank Dale -Departure -Cabinet position -Job offer -Ambassadorship to Mexico An unknown person entered at an unknown time after 9:48 am. -25- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) The President’s schedule -Forthcoming meeting The unknown person left at an unknown time before 10:35 am. Second term reorganization -Klein -Forthcoming meeting with Haldeman -Job offer -Difficulty -Departure -The President's decision -Flanigan -Retention -Robert H. Finch -Responsibilities -Klein -Colson -Departure -Conflict with Klein -Return to private life -Departure -Timing -Klein’s initiative -Conflicts with Colson -The President's plans -Implementation -Date -Congressional schedule -Departure -The President’s decision -Job offer -Ambassadorship to Mexico -Current position -Downgrade -1972 campaign -RNC position -Work outside administration -26- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Feb.-08) Conversation No. 229-11 (cont’d) Haldeman left at 10:35 am.