Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 234-005

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Start Date: 6-Dec-1972 5:59 PM

End Date: 6-Dec-1972 8:16 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Haldeman, H. R. ("Bob")

Recording Device: Camp David Hard Wire


NARA Description:

On December 6, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman met in the Aspen Lodge study at Camp David at an unknown time between 5:59 pm and 8:16 pm. The Camp David Hard Wire taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 234-005 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 234-5

Date: December 6, 1972
Time: Unknown between 5:59 pm and 8:16 pm
Location: Camp David Hard Wire

The President met with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman.

       Vietnam negotiations
            -Henry A. Kissinger’s cable
                 -Option Two
                        -Breakdown in talks
                        -Kissinger’s frame of mind
                 -Option One
                        -Prisoners of War [POWs]
                 -Return of Option Two


                          Tape Subject Log
                            (rev. May-08)

                                                 Conversation No. 234-5 (cont’d)

              -Six month period
                    -Soviet Union
                    -People’s Republic of China [PRC]
                    -Congressional relations
                    -Second term
                          -Failure to end war
                    -South Vietnam
                          -Honorable peace
              -US bombing of North Vietnam
        -Option One
              -South Vietnam
              -North Vietnam
                    -Cessation of US bombing and mining, US withdrawal
      -Cessation of US bombing and mining of North Vietnam, US withdrawal
      -Withdrawal of North Vietnamese troops from South Vietnam
             -Settlement agreement
-Kissinger’s cable
      -Settlement agreement
             -US aid to South Vietnam
             -Cessation of US bombing and mining of North and South Vietnam,
              US withdrawal
             -South Vietnamese self-determination
             -Separation of military and political issues
             -North Vietnam’s intransigence
             -Minimum position
                    -US withdrawal
                    -Political issues
      -Kissinger’s view
             -Option Two
                    -US bombing of North Vietnam


                          Tape Subject Log
                            (rev. May-08)

                                                   Conversation No. 234-5 (cont’d)

      -Kissinger’s frame of mind
      -Option One
      -Option Two
            -The President’s message, December 5, 1972
-Kissinger’s return
      -US bombing of North Vietnam
            -Resumption of talks
-Instructions for Kissinger
      -Minimum position
            -North Vietnamese intransigence
                   -Breakdown in talks
                          -US bombing of North Vietnam
      -Withdrawal of North Vietnamese troops from South Vietnam
                          -Final offer
-Kissinger’s recent actions
      -October 8, 1972 agreement
                   -“Peace is at hand”
-Kissinger’s cable
      -Option Two
            -Compared to Option One
                   -Nguyen Van Thieu
                          -Continuation of war
                   -Settlement agreement
                          -Honorable peace
                          -Government of Vietnam [GVN] survival
                                -Congressional relations
                                       -US military and economic aid to South
                                            -Cut off
-Kissinger’s forthcoming meeting with the President


                                     Tape Subject Log
                                       (rev. May-08)

                                                             Conversation No. 234-5 (cont’d)

            -[David] Kenneth Rush’s view
            -Alexander M. Haig, Jr.’s view
            -Haldeman’s forthcoming meeting with John D. Ehrlichman
                 -Kissinger’s cable
                       -Option Two
                             -US bombing of North Vietnam
                       -Interest in getting North Vietnam to “cave”
                 -Back cables
                       -Kissinger’s views
                             -Presidential statement on television [TV]
                 -Option One or Two decision
                 -Haldeman’s and Ehrlichman’s meeting with the President
                 -Presidential statement on TV
                       -Haldeman’s and Ehrlichman’s meeting with the President

       Haldeman’s schedule