Conversation: 249-006
Prev:  249-005 Next: 249-007Start Date: 15-Apr-1971 8:59 AM
End Date: 15-Apr-1971 10:45 AM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Haldeman, H. R. ("Bob"); [Unknown person(s)]; Bull, Stephen B.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Sanchez, Manolo; Recording Device: Old Executive Office Building
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 00:04:11
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 01:51:53
NARA Description:
On April 15, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, unknown person(s), Stephen B. Bull, Henry A. Kissinger, and Manolo Sanchez met in the President's office in the Old Executive Office Building from 8:59 am to 10:45 am. The Old Executive Office Building taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 249-006 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 249-6 Date: April 15, 1971 Time: 8:59 am - 10:45 am Location: Executive Office Building The President met with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman President’s statements -Governors -John D. Ehrlichman -Length -Memo -Raymond K. Price, Jr. -Daughters of the American Revolution [DAR] -Price -Length -Memo -Deadlines -Length -Instructions for Price -Chamber of Commerce -Length -DAR -Franklin D. Roosevelt’s speech -Press reaction -DAR reaction -Immigrants -[Anna] Eleanor Roosevelt -Marian Anderson May Day demonstrations -Wording of statement by Price -Patriotism -Ronald L. Ziegler -Richard A. Moore -William L. Safire -North Vietnamese involvement -”Nixon endorses moratorium” -Hardhats -Liberals 4 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Robert H. Finch -Donald H. Rumsfeld -George P. Shultz -Price -Composition -Senators -Robert P. Griffin -Edmund S. Muskie -Leaders -Rennie Davis -Parren J. Mitchell -Bobby Yorsett [sp?] -Communists -Davis -Surveillance -Patrick J. Buchanan -Federal Bureau of Investigations [FBI] -Moore -Henry A. Kissinger -Memorandum -President’s forthcoming meeting with editors -Muskie -Earth Day -Timing -FBI -Griffin -Muskie’s possible objections -President’s activities -Secret Service -FBI -Lee Harvey Oswald’s assassination of John F. Kennedy -President -Wiretapping -President’s instructions to Buchanan President’s forthcoming meeting with editors -George Minot -President’s schedule -Boston Traveler -Charles W. Colson 5 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) James J. Kilpatrick, Jr.’s editorial -President’s conversation with Julie Nixon Eisenhower, April 14, 1971 -President’s Vietnam speech Economy -News summary -Industrial production -Shultz Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) -Paul W. McCracken -Meeting of April 15, 1971 -Indicator -Retail sales -Figures -President’s forthcoming meeting with editors -Buchanan -McCracken -Figures -National Broadcasting Company [NBC] -Industrial production -Instructions for Colson’s people Networks’ reporting -Colson -John B. Connally -Arthur F. Burns -Cabinet officers -Connally’s views -George W. Romney -John A. Volpe -Connally Possible meeting with stock analysts -Safire -Bernard J. (“Bunny”) Lasker -Bull market -Certificate -Donald T. Regan, Lasker, and Bela Gold -Gus C. Lee Economy -Stock market performance -First quarter figures 6 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Reporting -Stock market -Importance -Financial writers -Inflation -Compared with 1969 -Profits Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) Historical analysis of President’s administration -Niccolo Machiavelli -Stock market performance -Economy -War problem -Cambodia and Laos -Demonstrations -Cities -Integration in the South -Foreign policy An unknown man entered at an unknown time after 8:59 am Report for President The unknown man left at an unknown time before 9:30 am [The President talked with an unknown person at an unknown time between 8:59 am and 9:30 am] [Conversation No. 249-6A] Meeting with President [End of telephone conversation] President’s image -Staff -Connally’s analysis -John A. Scali -Connally’s analysis -Lack of emotion -Reaction to President’s press conferences 7 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Speeches -Buchanan -Richard K. Cook -Samuel Rosen’s conversation with Safire -Robert F. (“Bobby”) Kennedy -Expectations of youth -Sincerity -Staff Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) -Public relations -Television media -Connally Stephen B. Bull and an unknown man entered at an unknown time after 8:59 am Kissinger’s arrival Rose Mary Woods’ trip -New England Letter from unknown Florida mayor -Kissinger -President’s image -Connally -President’s style -Press conferences -Lack of emotion -William H. Moore Bull and the unknown man left and Kissinger entered at 9:30 am -President’s People’s Republic of China [PRC] initiative -Letter from unknown mayor in Florida -Hubert H. Humphrey -1972 campaign -Moore -Kissinger’s conversation with Haldeman -Humphrey and Muskie -Editors’ opinions -Emotionalism in press conferences -Press 8 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Connally -Cabinet -Romney -Melvin R. Laird -William P. Rogers -Leadership -Press conferences -Chile Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) -Lyndon B. Johnson -J. F. Kennedy -Letter from Florida mayor -Connally -Press conference Manolo Sanchez entered at an unknown time after 9:30 am -Possible reaction to press Sanchez left at an unknown time before 10:45 am -J. F. Kennedy -Newsmen -Johnson -Connally’s views -Press conferences -Texas drought -Bureaucracy -Press -Letter from an unknown boy -Press conferences -Media -President’s public exposure -Conversations -Press conferences -Campaign appearances -Connally -President’s image -House, Senate, Cabinet -Need for “Nixon men” -Connally -President’s images 9 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -General Charles A. J. M. de Gaulle -Image -Guallists -Press conferences -Arrival in England in 1940 -French language -Press conferences -Cabinet Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) -Changes -Connally’s views Ambassadorial appointments -John S. D. Eisenhower -Edgar D. Whitcomb -Australia -Qualifications -Robert C. Gordon -J. S. D. Eisenhower -Possible appointment Cabinet and staff -Unknown man discussed -J. F. Kennedy -Treatment of staff -Image -President’s image -Courage, boldness, “guts” -Connally’s views -Staff -Ziegler -Herbert G. Klein -Maurice H. Stans -Safire Presidential image -”Guts” -Intelligence -”Guts”, boldness, coolness under fire -Ziegler -Press coverage -Washington Post -Trade with PRC 10 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) President’s PRC initiative -Ping-pong team -President’s policy -Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [USSR] -J. F. Kennedy -General Alexander M. Haig, Jr. -Reception at Indonesian embassy Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) President’s upcoming speech to DAR -Possible wording -Patriotism -Sergeant Karl Taylor -Demonstrators -Possible address to Chamber of Commerce -Demonstrators -Composition -Draft dodgers -Service in Vietnam -Wording of speech -Price -Staff -Press releases -Haldeman -Suggestions -Connally -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew -Possible wording PRC -Trade announcement -British ambassador’s conversation with Soviet ambassador -Reaction -Media Coverage -Washington Post -Department of State -Marvin L. Kalb -Commerce Department -Defense Department -State Department -Media coverage -Columbia Broadcasting System [CBS] -Kalb 11 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -[Arnold] Eric Sevareid -Kalb -State Department -Vietnam policy Earth Day -Muskie -FBI surveillance Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) -Davis -FBI role -Assassination of J. F. Kennedy -Oswald -Muskie -Samuel A. (“Sammy”) Abbott PRC -Trade announcement -State Department -Marshall Green -”Nixon Initiative” -USSR -Possible reaction -Kissinger’s possible call to Yuli M. Vorontsov -State Department -Scali -US-Soviet relations -PRC -Instructions to Scali -Taiwan -Unknown diplomat Vietnam -Military activity -Media coverage -PRC -Peace initiatives -Stefan Olszowski -North Vietnam -Prisoners of War [POWs] -Possible United States’ initiative -Unilateral return -United States’ options 12 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -POW wives -Possible action -Frank Borman -Possible North Vietnamese military operations -POW wives -Nguyen Cao Ky -Cease fire deadline -Kissinger’s possible message to the North Vietnamese Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) -Timing ****************************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 5 [National Security] [Duration: 7s ] FOREIGN AFFAIRS END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 5 ****************************************************************************** -POW issue -POW wives -Clark M. Clifford and George S. McGovern -POW wives -United States’ initiatives -Timing -Troop withdrawal -Harlow Resolution -Effect on South Vietnam -1972 Elections -Dr. David K. E. Bruce -POW wives -Kissinger, Haldeman, and Colson -POW issue -Polls -Figures 13 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Major General James D. (“Don”) Hughes -Congress -POW issue -McGovern -POW wives -Laird -Promises -POW issue Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) PRC initiative -Instructions for Ziegler -Media -Vogue, Newsweek, Time -State Department -Press Haldeman left at 10:23 am; Sanchez was no longer present at an unknown time before 10:23 am President’s schedule -Morocco -Visit of King [Moulay] Hassan II -Timing -Arab summit -Moulay Ahmed Laraki -United States’ Middle East policy -Possible postponement of state visit -Possible private visit -William B. Saxbe State visits -President’s policies 14 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) ****************************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 7 [National Security] [Duration: 27s ] AFRICA Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 7 ****************************************************************************** -Instructions for Kissinger -President’s schedule ****************************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 8 [National Security] [Duration: 20s ] AFRICA END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 8 ****************************************************************************** -Juan Velasco Alvarado -Possible visit 15 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) ****************************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 9 [National Security] [Duration: 11s ] FOREIGN AFFAIRS Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 9 ****************************************************************************** -Edward R. G. Heath -1972 -Mexico -Mexican-Americans -Morocco -Upcoming meeting -President’s policies -European summit meeting -Soviet visit -PRC PRC initiative -Muskie -Charles H. Percy -Edward M. (“Ted”) Kennedy -Earth Day -Media coverage -Sevareid -Haig’s visit to Indonesian embassy -Percy -J. William Fulbright -President’s policies -J. F. Kennedy -USSR -PRC -Nikita S. Khrushchev -Indochina 16 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Laos -William S. White -J. F. Kennedy -Johnson -Ping-pong team -USSR -Vorontsov -Peter G. Peterson Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) -Media coverage -Rowland Evans and Robert D. Novak -USSR -Possible appointees -Henry M. (“Scoop”) Jackson -USSR -Mao Tse-tung -Chou En-lai -Ping-pong team -Withdrawal from Vietnam -USSR -Bureaucracy -J. F. Kennedy -Cambodia and Laos -En-lai -Possible negotiations President’s image -Haldeman -Conveyance by staff and Cabinet -Shultz -Ehrlichman -Peterson -Klein -Jack J. Valenti -Haig -Connally -Taft Schreiber -John N. Mitchell -Ziegler -Haldeman -President’ conversation with Burns -Connally -Kissinger 17 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Ehrlichman -Volpe -Romney -Stans -Elliot L. Richardson -Mitchell -Rogers and Laird -Burns Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.) -Instructions for Kissinger -Finch and Rumsfeld -Burns -Valenti -Support of President’s positions -November 3, 1969, speech on Laos and Cambodia -April 7, 1971, speech on Vietnam -Kissinger -Shultz -Rogers -Press USSR -Mood -Vorontsov -Message -PRC -United States’ policy PRC initiative -Media coverage -Evans and Novak -Ziegler -USSR -Scali -United States’ policy -PRC -Summit -Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT] -Announcement -Summit -POW issue -POW wives -Kissinger’s forthcoming meeting with Vorontsov 18 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Scali -State Department President’s schedule Moroccan meeting Kissinger left at 10:45 am Conv. No. 249-6 (cont.)