Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 033-029

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Start Date: 4-Nov-1972 10:49 AM

End Date: 4-Nov-1972 10:54 AM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Allott, Gordon L.

Recording Device: White House Telephone


NARA Description:

On November 4, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon and Gordon L. Allott talked on the telephone from 10:49 am to 10:54 am. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 033-029 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 33-29

Date: November 4, 1972
Time: 10:49 am - 10:54 am
Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with Gordon L. Allott.

[See Conversation No. 389-12C]


       Allott's location
             -James D. McKevitt

[Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift]

       1972 election
            -House of Representatives candidates
                   -Possible calls from Allott
                                    - 33 -


                             Tape Subject Log
                               (rev. June-07)

                                                      Conversation No. 33-29 (cont’d)

           -Work for the President and candidates
           -Support for the President
     -Colorado delegation
     -The President's schedule
           -Senate races
                 -Rhode Island
                        -Dewey F. Bartlett, John H. Chafee
                 -North Carolina
                        -Jesse A. Helms
                 -New Mexico
                        -Pete V. Domenici
                        -Louis B. Nunn
                              -John Sherman Cooper
                        -Robert P. Griffin
           -Support for the President
           -The President's campaign
           -Allott’s view
     -Congressional races
           -Allott’s recent conversation with Clark MacGregor
           -James D. (“Mike”) McKevitt
           -Donald G. Brotzman
           -Frank E. Evans
           -Third District
           -James P. Johnson
                 -Alan Merson
           -William L. Armstrong
           -Third District

Allott's health
      -Vote in Congress
                                            - 34 -

                           NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY

                                      Tape Subject Log
                                        (rev. June-07)

                                                            Conversation No. 33-29 (cont’d)

       1972 election
            -The President's schedule
                   -New Mexico
                         -Manual Lujan, Jr.
                         -Influence on Colorado
                         -Details of agreement
                   -Bombing halt, 1968
                         -Peace with honor
            -President's best wishes

James D. (“Mike”) McKevitt joined the conversation at an unknown
time before 10:54

                     -District attorney

[End segment reviewed under deed of gift]