Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 035-151

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Start Date: 12-Jan-1973 8:19 AM

End Date: 12-Jan-1973 8:28 AM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Kennedy, Richard T. (Col.)

Recording Device: White House Telephone


NARA Description:

On January 12, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Col. Richard T. Kennedy talked on the telephone from 8:19 am to 8:28 am. The White House Telephone taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 035-151 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 35-151

Date: January 12, 1973
Time: 8:19 am - 8:28 am
Location: White House Telephone

The President talked with Col. Richard T. Kennedy.

[See Conversation No. 395-19]

       Vietnam negotiations
            -Henry A. Kissinger's report
                         -Request for delivery to the Executive Office Building [EOB]
            -Settlement agreement
                   -William E. Timmons
                         -List of people to inform
                   -Informing William P. Rogers and Melvin R. Laird
                         -Kennedy’s recent note to Kissinger
                         -The President’s role
                         -Telephone calls
                         -Kennedy’s role
                                -The President’s schedule
                                      -Previous meeting with Peter B. Johnson and [David]
                                       Kenneth Rush
                                                  -US bombing of North Vietnam, December 18,


                           Tape Subject Log
                             (rev. Oct.-07)

                                                    Conversation No. 35-151 (cont’d)

-Settlement agreement
       -Alexander M. Haig, Jr.’s trip to Saigon
                    -January 14, 1973
                          -Kissinger’s view
             -Cessation of US bombing
             -Ronald L. Ziegler
             -Cessation of US bombing
                    -News coverage
                          -January 15, 1973
                                -Kissinger’s return to Paris
       -The President’s schedule
                    -Kissinger and Haig
                          -Cessation of US bombing
       -Haig’s trip to Saigon
                    -Kennedy’s conversation with Ziegler
                          -News coverage
       -Cessation of US bombing
             -Ziegler’s announcement
                          -January 15, 1973
       -Informing Congressmen, Senators, Rogers, Laird
       -Informing Rogers and Laird
                    -January 14, 1973
                    -Kissinger’s return from Paris
                    -The President’s schedule
                    -The President’s role
                    -Kennedy’s role
                          -Kissinger’s return from Paris


                                      Tape Subject Log
                                        (rev. Oct.-07)

                                                              Conversation No. 35-151 (cont’d)

                                     -Haig’s trip to Saigon
                                     -Kissinger’s return from Paris
                                            -Ziegler’s announcement
                                     -Haig’s trip to Florida
                   -Informing Vice President Spiro T. Agnew
                         -Kennedy’s role
                               -Haig’s and Kissinger’s meeting with the President in Florida
                               -Haig’s trip to Saigon
                   -Informing Rogers and Laird
                         -Cessation of US bombing
                   -Informing Congressional leaders
                         -Kennedy’s role
                               -Hugh Scott
                               -Gerald R. Ford
                               -Kissinger’s return from Paris
                               -Haig’s trip to Saigon
                               -Progress of negotiations
                               -Haig’s trip to Saigon
             -Kissinger’s report
                   -Delivery to EOB