Conversation: 400-014
Prev:  400-013 Next: 400-015Start Date: 22-Jan-1973 5:00 PM
End Date: 22-Jan-1973 6:30 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Price, Raymond K., Jr.; Sanchez, Manolo; Haldeman, H. R. ("Bob"); Bull, Stephen B.; Tkach, Walter R.; White House operator; Haig, Alexander M., Jr.; Recording Device: Old Executive Office Building
NARA Description:
On January 22, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon, Raymond K. Price, Jr., Manolo Sanchez, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, Stephen B. Bull, Walter R. Tkach, White House operator, and Alexander M. Haig, Jr. met in the President's office in the Old Executive Office Building from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. The Old Executive Office Building taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 400-014 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 400-14 Date: January 22, 1973 Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Location: Executive Office Building The President met with Raymond K. Price, Jr. The President’s schedule -H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman The President’s speech on Vietnam settlement -Democrats -Length -Congressional leaders briefing Manolo Sanchez entered at an unknown time after 5:00 pm. Food order The President's schedule -Haldeman Sanchez left at an unknown time before 5:10 pm. The President’s speech on Vietnam settlement -15- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Jan.-09) Conversation No. 400-14 (cont’d) -Patrick J. Buchanan -Plans -Television [TV] coverage -California -Congressional relations -Bipartisan leadership -Committee chairmen -Timing -Alexander M. Haig, Jr. -Meeting with Nguyen Van Thieu -Bipartisan support appeal by the President -Lyndon B. Johnson -Republicans, Democrats -TV coverage -Content -Suggestions -Bipartisan agreement -Additions -Congressional relations -The President's consultation -Points to make -Public support [?] -Congressional relations -Negotiations -Expectations -Public support -Public statements -Ground rules for discussion -Negotiations -Sensitivity -Bombing of North Vietnam -Bipartisan leaders -The President’s responsibility -Complete disclosure -World War II -Ending Haldeman entered at 5:10 pm. -Congressional relations -16- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Jan.-09) Conversation No. 400-14 (cont’d) -Speech length -Turnout -Cooperation -"Peace With Honor" -TV coverage -International cooperation -European security conference -World peace -Concerns -1972 election -Negotiating terms -Timing -TV coverage -Compared to 1972 Moscow Summit -Congressional relations -Buchanan -Haldeman’s call to Haig -Agreement -Initialing -Paris -Signing -Henry A. Kissinger -Congressional relations -Importance -Revisions -Tone -Defensiveness -Reaction [?] -Public sector -Private sector -Republicans -Thieu [?] -Negotiations -Propaganda -Public reaction -Congressional audience -Home audience -Congressional relations -Difficulties -Points to make -17- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Jan.-09) Conversation No. 400-14 (cont’d) -Congressional relations Unknown person’s schedule Washington National Cathedral -Francis Sayre -The President's possible attendance -Harry S. Truman’s memorial service The President’s speech on Vietnam settlement -Johnson [?] -Doubts -Revisions -First part -Haldeman’s suggestions -Allies -George S. McGovern’s statements -Prisoners of War [POWs] [?] -Buchanan -Agreement -Value Johnson’s health [?] -Protocol [?] -US politics -Herbert C. Hoover -Dwight D. Eisenhower -William H. Taft -Warren G. Harding -Death in Office -[Thomas] Woodrow Wilson -Theodore Roosevelt -Death -Death -Timing -Past recoveries [?] The President’s speech on Vietnam settlement -The President's appearance before Congress -Symbolism -18- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Jan.-09) Conversation No. 400-14 (cont’d) -End of war -Congress’ responsibility -Maintenance of peace -Aid to South Vietnam -Aid to North Vietnam -Future developments -Cambodia -TV coverage -Congressional relations -Briefing -Leadership -Confidentiality -House of Representatives -Bryce Harlow -John D. Ehrlichman -Clark MacGregor -William E. Timmons Stephen B. Bull entered at 5:55 pm. -Johnson’s health -Aircraft -Possible death -Change in the President’s schedule -Congress -Hospital Bull left at an unknown time before 6:00 pm. -Possible death -Reaction -Doctors Past President’s health -Harry S. Truman -Kennedy -Eisenhower -Concerns -Heart attacks -Johnson -19- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Jan.-09) Conversation No. 400-14 (cont’d) -Concerns Haldeman talked with Gen. Walter R. Tkach at an unknown time between 5:55 pm and 6:19 pm. [Conversation No. 400-14A] [See Conversation No. 36-49] [End of telephone conversation] Johnson’s health -Condition -Tkach [?] ***************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 2 [Personal returnable] [Duration: 4m 55s ] END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [End segment reviewed under deed of gift] ***************************************************************** The President’s speech on Vietnam settlement -William P. Rogers [?] -Press relations [?] -The President’s error -Revisions -Public statements about negotiations -Military activity -Haig [?] -Obligation -20- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Jan.-09) Conversation No. 400-14 (cont’d) Tkach talked with Haldeman between 5:55 pm and 6:19 pm. [Conversation No. 400-14B] [See Conversation No. 36-50] [End of telephone conversation] Johnson’s health -Air shuttle -Condition [The above part of the office conversation took place simultaneously with Conversation No. 400- 14B.] -Lack of doctor at Johnson ranch -Trip to hospital -Tkach's information -[First name unknown] Vogel The President’s speech on Vietnam settlement -Prisoners of War [POWs] -Johnson Tkach talked with Haldeman at an unknown time between 5:55 pm and 6:19 pm. [Conversation No. 400-14C] [See Conversation No. 36-51] [End of telephone conversation] Johnson's heath -Revival -Airplane -Death -Announcement -Effect -Meeting -21- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Jan.-09) Conversation No. 400-14 (cont’d) The President talked with the White House operator at an unknown time between 5:55 pm and 6:19 pm. [Conversation No. 400-14D] [See Conversation No. 36-52] [End of telephone conversation] The President's schedule -The President’s speech on Vietnam settlement -Postponement Sanchez entered at an unknown time after 5:55 pm. -Julie Nixon Eisenhower -Dinner Sanchez left at an unknown time before 6:19 pm. The President's speech on Vietnam settlement -Timing -Content -The President’s suggestions -Haig's review of draft The President talked with Haig between 6:19 pm and 6:22 pm. [Conversation No. 400-14E] [See Conversation No. 36-53] [End of telephone conversation] Johnson's death -Burial -Lying in state at Capitol -Washington National Cathedral -Possible memorial service -22- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Jan.-09) Conversation No. 400-14 (cont’d) The President's speech on Vietnam settlement -The President's schedule The President's statement on Johnson's death The President's speech on Vietnam settlement -Content -Length -Accomplishments The President, et al., left at 6:30 pm.