Conversation: 458-004
Prev:  458-003 Next: 458-005Start Date: 25-Feb-1971 3:35 PM
End Date: 25-Feb-1971 3:46 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Renercomb, George; Kleppe, Thomas S.; Kleppe, Glenda L. (Gompf); Kleppe, Jill; Kleppe, Jane; Anderson, Gladys; Edick, Ruth; Chase, Anthony G.; Singer, Arthur H.; Parker, Marshall J.; Eachon, Jack, Jr.; McZier, Arthur; Russell, Howard; Johnson, Einar; Gavin, Wilfred J.; Knebel, John A.; Rivard, Loren J.; Stull, Raymond E.; Young, Milton R.; Young, Patricia M. (Burne); Dole, Robert J.; Conte, Silvio O.; Evins, Joseph L. ("Joe"); Gallagher, Christine; Sharp, Lucey; Kabis, Dorothy A.; Lutnass, Magnus; Morton, Rogers C. B.; MacGregor, Clark; Stans, Maurice H.; Recording Device: Oval Office
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 00:49:34
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 01:01:23
NARA Description:
On February 25, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, George Renercomb, Thomas S. Kleppe, Glenda L. (Gompf) Kleppe, Jill Kleppe, Jane Kleppe, Gladys Anderson, Ruth Edick, Anthony G. Chase, Arthur H. Singer, Marshall J. Parker, Jack Eachon, Jr., Arthur McZier, Howard Russell, Einar Johnson, Wilfred J. Gavin, John A. Knebel, Loren J. Rivard, Raymond E. Stull, Milton R. Young, Patricia M. (Burne) Young, Robert J. Dole, Silvio O. Conte, Joseph L. ("Joe") Evins, Christine Gallagher, Lucey Sharp, Dorothy A. Kabis, Magnus Lutnass, Rogers C. B. Morton, Clark MacGregor, and Maurice H. Stans met in the Oval Office of the White House from 3:35 pm to 3:46 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 458-004 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 458-4 Date: February 25, 1971 Time: 3:35 pm - 3:46 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with George Renercomb, Thomas S. Kleppe, Glenda L. (Gompf) Kleppe, Jill Kleppe, Jane Kleppe, Gladys Anderson, Ruth Edick, Anthony G. Chase, Arthur H. Singer, Marshall J. Parker, Jack Eachon, Jr., Arthur McZier, Howard Russell, Einar Johnson, Dr. Wilfred J. Garvin, John A. (“Jack”) Knebel, Loren J. Rivard, Raymond E. Stull, Milton R. Young, Patricia M. (Burne) Young, Robert J. Dole, Silvio O. Conte, Joseph L. (“Joe”) Evins, Christine Gallagher, Lacey Sharp, Dorothy A. Kabis, Reverend Magnus Lutnass, Rogers C. B. Morton, Clark MacGregor, and Maurice H. Stans Introductions [General conversation] Swearing-in ceremony -T. S. Kleppe -MacGregor -Donald H. Rumsfeld -Oath of Office -Expression of thanks -Goals of Small Business Administration [SBA] -SBA loans -California earthquake -Presentation of gifts by the President [General conversation] Renercomb, et al. left at 3:46 pm 4 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08)