Conversation: 483-017
Prev:  483-016 Next: 483-018Start Date: 20-Apr-1971 3:35 PM
End Date: 20-Apr-1971 4:10 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Hardin, Clifford M.; Lincoln, George A. (Gen.); Flanigan, Peter M.; White House photographer; White House operator; Connally, John B.; Hughes, James D. ("Don"); Mahon, George H.; MacGregor, Clark; Recording Device: Oval Office
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 03:10:25
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 03:42:55
NARA Description:
On April 20, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Clifford M. Hardin, Gen. George A. Lincoln, Peter M. Flanigan, White House photographer, White House operator, John B. Connally, James D. ("Don") Hughes, George H. Mahon, and Clark MacGregor met in the Oval Office of the White House from 3:35 pm to 4:10 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 483-017 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 483-17 Date: April 20, 1971 Time: 3:35 pm - 4:10 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with Clifford M. Hardin, General George A. Lincoln, and Peter M. Flanigan; the White House photographer and members of the press were present at the beginning of the meeting. [General conversation] Texas drought -Oklahoma -George H. Mahon -Support -Robert D. Price -John G. Tower Press -Sarah McLendon -Location Texas drought -Political implications -Concern -Lack of rain 51 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Issue -Hay -Politics over economics -Farm act -Impact -Hay -Availability Conv. No. 483-16 (cont.) Refreshments Texas drought -Hay -Montana -Idaho -Wisconsin -Illinois -Nebraska -Grain -Sheep -Cattle -President's position -Hay -Farm act -Crop acreage -Authority -Oklahoma -Precedent -Possible disaster loans -South Dakota -Congress -Agriculture Department -Crops -Cost -Political problem -Land -Possible Congressional resolution -Administration's options -Emergency credit -Small Business Administration [SBA] -Operating loans -Budget -Congress 52 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Funds -John B. Connally -Connally's view -Hardin and Lincoln -Tower's and Connally's forthcoming visit to Texas -Governor Preston Smith -Unemployment compensation -Migrant workers Conv. No. 483-17 (cont.) -Rio Grande valley -Cost -Loans -Farmers -Rains -Problem -Possible disaster declaration -Hardin's previous conversation with Connally -Hardin's forthcoming conversation with Connally The President talked with the White operator at an unknown time between 3:35 pm and 3:47 pm. [Conversation No. 483-17A] [See Conversation No. 2-7] [End of telephone conversation] Texas drought -Budget -Connally's recent visit to Texas -Rains -Oklahoma -South Texas The President talked with Connally between 3:47 pm and 3:48 pm. [Conversation No. 483-17B] [See Conversation No. 2-8] [End of telephone conversation] -Credit bill before Congress 53 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Impact -Administration's position -Connally -Administration proposals -Credit bill -Clark MacGregor -Connally -Agriculture committees Conv. No. 483-17 (cont.) -Problem -Budget -Appropriated money -Export-Import Bank -MacGregor -Connally -Administration's concern -President's conversation with unknown agricultural editor from Texas -Farmers -Emergency funds -Smith -Oklahoma Governor David Hall -Schedule -President’s regards -President's scheduled visit to Oklahoma -Tulsa -Concern -Texas Lieutenant Governor Ben F. Barnes -Tower -Price -Plane for visit -Visit to Texas -Price -Mahon -Thomas J. (“Tom”) Steed -Mahon -W.R. Poage -Plane -Jetstar -Capacity -Size -Maj. Gen. James D. (“Don”) Hughes The President talked with the White House operator at an unknown time between 3:48 pm and 54 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) 3:54 pm. [Conversation No. 483-17C] [See Conversation No. 2-9] [End of telephone conversation] Conv. No. 483-17 (cont.) Schedule -Lincoln and Hardin Texas drought -Texas and Oklahoma -Hardin's and Lincoln's trip to Texas -Mahon The President talked with Hughes between 3:54 pm and 3:55 pm. [Conversation No. 483-17D] [See Conversation No. 2-10] [End of telephone conversation] -Plane for trip -"970" -Price -Mahon The President talked with the White House operator at an unknown time between 3:55 pm and 4:04 pm. [Conversation No. 483-17E] [See Conversation No. 2-11] [End of telephone conversation] Clark MacGregor entered at 3:55 pm. -Texas drought -Forthcoming trip by Hardin and Lincoln 55 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Press -Ronald L. Ziegler -Number -Size of plane -Press -McLendon -Money -Press Conv. No. 483-17 (cont.) -McLendon -Steed -Plane for trip -Availability -Steed -Oklahoma Senators -Henry L. Bellmon -Fred R. Harris -Location -Bellmon -Schedule -Ezra Taft Benson -Possible invitation -Tower's view -Statements critical of the President -Tower -Text in Texas papers -Poage and Mahon -Tower -Benson’s criticism of administration's activities -Lincoln’s conversation with Tower -Politics -Hardin and Lincoln's trip to Texas -San Antonio -Amarillo -Liberal Democrat Congressmen -Plane -Itinerary -Alice -Kingsville -King Ranch -Size -Itinerary -Gonzales 56 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Southern area -Eligio de la Garza -Helicopters -San Antonio -Benson -Connally -Administration's activities -Benson's criticism of the President Conv. No. 483-17 (cont.) -Disaster declaration -Assistance -Possible disaster declaration -Hay/grain -Search -Montana -Possible story -Disaster declaration effects -Unemployment compensation -SBA loans -Agriculture declaration -Limits -Food stamps -Food stamps -Distribution -Farms and ranches -Crops -Money -Loans -Unemployment -Agriculture Department's study -Administration’s possible action -Unemployment compensation -Administration's position -Disaster declaration -Precedent -Dust bowl -Other drought areas -New Mexico and Arizona -Southern California -Florida -Governor Reubin O. Askew -Dust bowl 57 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) The President talked with Mahon between 4:04 pm and 4:07 pm. [Conversation No. 483-17F] [See Conversation No. 2-12] [End of telephone conversation] Conv. No. 483-17 (cont.) -President's conversation with Mahon -Disaster declaration -Rain -Mahon's view -Amarillo -Dryness -Price -Hardin’s and Lincoln's trip to Texas -Plane -Press -Department of Agriculture officials -Plane -Food -Flanigan -Agriculture -Flanigan Schedule -Lincoln and Hardin -Directions Harden, Lincoln, Flanigan, and MacGregor left at 4:10 pm.