Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 560-003

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Start Date: 10-Aug-1971 5:20 PM

End Date: 10-Aug-1971 5:45 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Bull, Stephen B.Dent, Harry S.Graham, William F. ("Billy")Gustafson, RoySmith, ArthurRhodes, FredHarvey, PaulMcConnell, DavidBell, NelsonRideout, GeorgeRouth, PorterPhillips, TomKampen, Robert VanCrutchfield, CharlesMead, BillHayden, BenJohnson, EdMooneyham, StanLake, TomBell, AlanCriswell, W. A.Epp, TheodoreZondervan, PatEmory, AlanWalton, BillJarman, MaxyBright, BillDenny, RobertJeffrey, JamesWilson, T. W.Lindsell, HaroldGaeblein, DonWhite House photographerWoods, Rose Mary

Recording Device: Oval Office

Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 01:05:29

Full Tape Conversation End Time: 01:28:25


NARA Description:

On August 10, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Stephen B. Bull, Harry S. Dent, William F. ("Billy") Graham, Roy Gustafson, Arthur Smith, Fred Rhodes, Paul Harvey, David McConnell, Nelson Bell, George Rideout, Porter Routh, Tom Phillips, Robert Van Kampen, Charles Crutchfield, Bill Mead, Ben Hayden, Ed Johnson, Stan Mooneyham, Tom Lake, Alan Bell, W. A. Criswell, Theodore Epp, Pat Zondervan, Alan Emory, Bill Walton, Maxy Jarman, Bill Bright, Robert Denny, James Jeffrey, T. W. Wilson, Harold Lindsell, Don Gaeblein, White House photographer, and Rose Mary Woods met in the Oval Office of the White House from 5:20 pm to 5:45 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 560-003 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 560-3

Date: August 10, 1971
Time: 5:20 pm - 5:45 pm
Location: Oval Office

Stephen B. Bull met with Harry S. Dent and William F. (“Billy”) Graham.

     General conversation

The President entered at 5:21 pm.

     Arrangements for meeting

Roy Gustafson, Arthur Smith, Fred Rhodes, Paul Harvey, David McConnell, Nelson Bell,
George Rideout, Porter Routh, Tom Phillips, Robert Van Kampen, Charles Crutchfield, Bill
Mead, Ben Hayden, Ed Johnson, Stan Mooneyham, Tom Lake, Alan Bell, W. A. Criswell,
Theodore Epp, Pat Zondervan, Alan Emory, Bill Walton, Maxy Jarman, Bill Bright, Robert
Denny, James Jefferey, T.W. Wilson, Harold Lindsell, and Don Gaeblein entered at 5:22 pm; the


                                       Tape Subject Log
                                         (rev. 10/06)
                                                                        Conv. No. 560-3 (cont.)

White House photographer was present at the beginning of the meeting.

Bull left at 5:22 pm.

     Introductions and general conversation
                 -Hannah Milhous Nixon
                 -First Baptist Church of Dallas
           -Veterans of Foreign Wars [VFW]
                 -Holiday Inn
                       -President’s visit
                                   -Kansas City
                 -Fellowship of Christian Athletics
                 -Dallas Cowboys
                       -Lilly Company
                                   -President’s visit
                                   -Mayor Richard G. Lugar


     President’s schedule
          -Forthcoming helicopter ride


Bull entered at an unknown time after 5:22 pm.

     President's schedule
          -Peter M. Flanigan

Dent, et al. except Graham, left at 5:38 pm.

     Foreign policy briefing


                                     Tape Subject Log
                                       (rev. 10/06)
                                                                   Conv. No. 560-3 (cont.)

          -Henry A. Kissinger

     White House briefings
          -Labor, business, professors, Congress
          -Foreign policy briefing
               -Baptist leaders
               -Criswell’s conversation with Graham
                      -People’s Republic of China [PRC] policy
          -Criswell's conversation with Graham

     Dr. Nelson Bell

     President's schedule
          -White House church service
                 -Graham's mother [Mrs. W.F. Graham]
                       -President’s visit
                 -Lucy A. Winchester

The President talked with Rose Mary Woods at an unknown time between 5:38 pm and 5:45 pm.

[Conversation No. 560-3A]

     President's schedule
          -White House church service
                       -Mrs. Graham and companions

     Photograph of President

[End of telephone conversation]

     Foreign policy briefing

                            NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF

                                     Tape Subject Log
                                       (rev. 10/06)
                                                                 Conv. No. 560-3 (cont.)

               -Cabinet Room
                    -J. Howard Pew

     Dorothy Sayers
          -President’s recent trip to Maine
          -Unknown book
                -World Council of Churches
          -Unknown book
                -Harcourt, Brace publishing company
          -Meeting with Graham
                      -World War II

     President's schedule

Graham left at 5:45 pm.