Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 609-011

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Start Date: 30-Oct-1971 11:21 AM

End Date: 30-Oct-1971 12:07 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Kissinger, Henry A.Bull, Stephen B.

Recording Device: Oval Office

Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 02:23:20

Full Tape Conversation End Time: 03:08:54





NARA Description:

On October 30, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Henry A. Kissinger, and Stephen B. Bull met in the Oval Office of the White House from 11:21 am to 12:07 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 609-011 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 609-11

Date: October 30, 1971
Time: 11:21 am - 12:07 pm
Location: Oval Office

The President met with Henry A. Kissinger.

     Foreign aid program
          -Previous Senate vote
                -Kissinger's conversation with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman
                -Michael J. Mansfield
                -The President's schedule
                      -John J. McCloy
                -W[illiam] Averell Harriman
                -George W. Ball
                -White House response
                      -Congressional support
                            -Marshall plan
                      -Dean Rusk
                      -Kissinger's possible conversations
          -The President's possible veto
                -Aid to Israel
                -The President’s view
                -Aid to Cambodia
                -Ronald L. Ziegler
          -Previous Senate vote
                -Carl T. Curtis
                -Peter H. Dominick, Paul J. Fannin, Edward J. Gurney, Orval H. Hansen, Mark
                      O. Hatfield, B. Everett Jordan, William V. Roth, Jr., William B. Saxbe,
                      Margaret C. Smith, Ted Stevens, Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., Milton R. Young
                -William E. Brock III, Marlow W. Cook


                                Tape Subject Log
                                  (rev. 10/06)
                                                                 Conv. No. 609-11 (cont.)

          -James B. Allen, Birch E. Bayh, Jr., Lloyd M. Bentsen, Alan Bible, Quentin N.
                Burdick, Harry F. Byrd, Robert C. Byrd, Howard W. Cannon, Lawton M.
                Chiles, Jr., Frank F. Church, Alan Cranston, James O. Eastland, Samuel J.
                Ervin, Jordan, Jr., William Fulbright, Jordan
          -John C. Stennis
          -Republicans compared to Democrats
          -White House response
                -Vietnam, Cambodia
                -United Nations [UN]
          -Compared to vote on Cooper-Church
          -White House response
                -Clark MacGregor
          -UN vote on Taiwan, Republic of China
                -James B. (“Scotty”) Reston
                -Edward M. Kennedy
          -White House response
          -Aid to Israel
                -Jacob K. Javits
                -Presidential candidates
                -Israeli lobby
                -Possible veto

The President's previous meeting with Josip Broz Tito
     -Instructions to Alexander Akalovsky
     -Soviet foreign policy
           -US peace offers
           -Possible US military action
                 -Prisoners of war [POWs]
                 -Laos, Cambodia
                       -Andrei A. Gromyko, Nicolae Ceausescu
                 -North Vietnam
     -Communist participation in South Vietnamese Government
     -Tito's contacts with world leaders
           -Leonid I. Brezhnev
     -US-Soviet relations
     -Nixon Doctrine


                                       Tape Subject Log
                                         (rev. 10/06)
                                                                     Conv. No. 609-11 (cont.)

                -Arms limitation negotiations
                    -Possible US military spending

Stephen B. Bull entered at an unknown time after 11:21 am.

     The President's schedule
          -Manolo Sanchez

Bull left at an unknown time before 12:07 pm.

     The President's previous meeting with Tito
               -US peace offers
                      -President’s previous meeting with Gromyko
               -Possible military action
                      -North Vietnam
               -Possible blockade compared with bombing
                      -The President’s view
               -Tito’s view
                      -Soviet Union
                      -People’s Republic of China [PRC]
          -US strength
               -US Government agencies

     State Department
           -Ahmed Osman’s previous visit to the State Department
           -David D. Newsom's previous telephone call to Kissinger
                -UN vote on Taiwan

     UN vote on Taiwan
         -US opponents
               -Kissinger’s view
               -The President’s view

     Presentation of Diplomatic credentials


                                Tape Subject Log
                                  (rev. 10/06)
                                                                Conv. No. 609-11 (cont.)

     -The President's conversation with Haldeman
           -Spiro T. Agnew
     -African diplomats
           -The President’s view

UN vote on Taiwan
           -The President’s view
    -Great Britain
           -Kissinger's forthcoming meeting with George R.S. Baring [Earl of Cromer]

Georges J.R. Pompidou
     -Possible conversation with Kissinger
     -Possible meeting with the President

Great Britain
     -Edward R.G. Heath
           -The President’s view
     -Sir Alexander (“Alec”) F. Douglas-Home
           -Conversation with the President
                -John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson
     -Common Market
           -The President's conversation with Pompidou and Charles A.J.M. De Gaulle

Willy Brandt
     -The Nobel Peace Prize
     -The President’s view

The President's schedule
     -Foreign leaders
          -Possible meeting with Brandt and Pompidou
          -Possible meeting in Luxembourg
          -State Department
          -William P. Rogers


                                 Tape Subject Log
                                   (rev. 10/06)
                                                                  Conv. No. 609-11 (cont.)

           -Great Britain and Germany
           -Dedication of Eisenhower Medical Center
                      -Kissinger’s forthcoming conversation with Egon Bahr
                      -Possible dinner
           -Eisaku Sato
                -John B. Connally's Trip

Robert H. Finch's forthcoming trip to Latin America
    -George P. Shultz
    -Nelson A. Rockefeller's telephone call to the President
           -Import surcharge
    -Finch’s possible reception
    -Import Surcharge
    -Kissinger's forthcoming conversation with Shultz
           -Economic package

The President's schedule
     -Forthcoming trip to the PRC

Import surcharge
    -Strategy for removal
           -West Germany

International monetary system
      -Arthur F. Burns's view
      -Connally's view

Foreign aid program
     -Previous Senate vote
     -Public reaction
     -Senate’s responsibility
           -The President's defense of Johnson's Vietnam policy


                                Tape Subject Log
                                  (rev. 10/06)
                                                             Conv. No. 609-11 (cont.)

The President's foreign policy
     -John Kenneth Galbraith's view
     -Press coverage
          -Soviet summit compared with Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT]
          -UN vote on Taiwan
                 -Views of Ronald W. Reagan and William F. Buckley, Jr.
                 -New York Times coverage
                       -Carson F. Lyman's telephone call to Kissinger

North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO]
     -Michael J. Mansfield
     -The President's foreign policy
          -Soviet Union

UN vote on Taiwan
          -Foreign aid vote
          -Kissinger's cables to Alexander M. Haig, Jr.
          -Richard F. Pedersen
               -George H.W. Bush
               -Kissinger’s view
               -The President’s view
    -Kissinger's previous trip to PRC
          -The President’s view
          -Kissinger’s view
    -The President’s view

     -Negotiating strategy on POWs
         -The President’s forthcoming trips
         -The President’s view
         -The President's conversation with Tito

                              NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF

                                       Tape Subject Log
                                         (rev. 10/06)
                                                                      Conv. No. 609-11 (cont.)

                 -Last US offer
                       -Akalovsky's memorandum of conversation
                                 -State Department

     Kissinger's schedule
          -Forthcoming meeting with Anatoliy F. Dobrynin
                -China issue

     Soviet military preparation
          -Shultz's previous meeting with Joseph W. Alsop
                -Arms control negotiations
                -The President's conversation with Tito
                      -Akalovsky's memorandum of conversation
                -Kissinger’s view

Bull entered at an unknown time after 11:21 am.

     Requested Charles W. Colson be asked to join him

Bull left at an unknown time before 12:07 pm.

     Arms control negotiation

          -Possible blockade
               -Melvin R. Laird, Rogers
          -Negotiating strategy
               -Kissinger's forthcoming meeting with Dobrynin
                     -The President’s recent conversation with Tito

Kissinger left at 12:07 am.


                                     Tape Subject Log
                                       (rev. 10/06)