Conversation: 613-005
Prev:  613-004 Next: 613-006Start Date: 2-Nov-1971 4:40 PM
End Date: 2-Nov-1971 5:24 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Ehrlichman, John D.; Woods, Rose Mary; Bull, Stephen B.; Kissinger, Henry A.; Recording Device: Oval Office
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 00:27:37
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 01:09:32
NARA Description:
On November 2, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, Rose Mary Woods, Stephen B. Bull, and Henry A. Kissinger met in the Oval Office of the White House from 4:40 pm to 5:24 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 613-005 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 613-5 Date: November 2, 1971 Time: 4:40 pm - 5:24 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with John D. Ehrlichman. Agriculture Department -J. Philip Campbell -Trading stock -Arnold R. Weber's negotiations -Clifford M. Hardin's replacement -Possible meeting with the press -Possible statement on government reorganization -Farm organizations Government reorganization -Department of Agriculture -Prospects 5 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 613-5 (cont.) -Labor Department -Titles of Cabinet Secretaries -Secretary of State -Term, “Counselor” -Attorney General -Postmaster General -Secretary of Defense -Department of Community Development -Secretary of Transportation -John A. Volpe Volpe -Ehrlichman's conversation with Dwight A. Ink -Ambassadorship to Italy -Highway interests -Italian elections -Emilio Colombo -William P. Rogers's view -Timing -Italian elections Government reorganization -Titles of Cabinet Secretaries -“Counselor to the President” -Secretary of State -Administrators Agriculture Department -[Clayton Yeutter] -Meeting with Ehrlichman, November 1, 1971 -Roman L. Hruska -John N. Mitchell -Relationship with Carl T. Curtis Curtis -Wife -Ehrlichman's conversation with Bryce N. Harlow -The President's schedule Agriculture Department -Earl L. Butz 6 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 613-5 (cont.) -[Yeutter] -Present position -Department of Agriculture -Branch -Compared to Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD -Farm J. Edgar Hoover -Princeton University conference -Call for probe of Federal Bureau of Investigations [FBI] -Joseph Kraft's column, November 2, 1971 -Possible attack on the FBI -Congress -Tone of presentation -Tenure in office -Possible departure -Announcement -Timing -Ehrlichman's possible conversation with William H. Sullivan -Sullivan's possible role with the administration -Mitchell -The President's possible conversation with Hoover -1972 campaign Rose Mary Woods talked with the President at an unknown time between 4:40 pm and 5:13 pm. [Conversation No. 613-5A] [See Conversation No. 13-78] [End of telephone conversation] Hoover -Tenure in office -The President's possible conversation with Hoover -Transition -1972 campaign -Henry M. (“Scoop”) Jackson -Mitchell 7 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 613-5 (cont.) Pentagon Papers -White House response -John G. Tower -Government of South Vietnam -W[illiam] Averell Harriman -Ngo Dinh Diem - Lt. Gen. Duong Van (“Big Minh”) Minh -Roger Hilsman -Dean Rusk -Robert S. McNamara -Henry Cabot Lodge -Coup -Diem -Successor -Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] Station Chief -State Department -Defense Department -CIA -Richard M. Helms -John A. McCone -William E. Colby -Agency for International Development [AID] -Forthcoming meeting with Ehrlichman -Son, Jonathan Colby -Tricia Nixon Cox's wedding -Princeton University -Meeting with Ehrlichman in Vietnam -George P. Shultz -Schedule -Forthcoming meeting with Ehrlichman Hoover -Mitchell's call to Ehrlichman -Trip to People’s Republic of China [PRC] Agriculture Department -Harlow -Conversation with John C. Whitaker Government reorganization -Titles 8 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 613-5 (cont.) -Agriculture Department -Hardin's replacement -Volpe -George W. Romney -Rogers C. B. Morton Richard H. Poff -Bill [Surname unknown] -John L. McClellan Stephen B. Bull entered at an unknown time after 4:40 pm. Henry A. Kissinger's schedule Bull left at an unknown time before 5:13 pm. Value Added Tax [VAT] -Ehrlichman's conversation with Shultz -Possible rate -Budget -Shultz's view -Domestic initiative Domestic program -Revenue sharing -Environment -Government reorganization -Congress -Lyndon B. Johnson -John F. Kennedy Bull entered at an unknown time after 4:40 pm. The President's schedule -Kissinger -Ronald L. Ziegler Bull left at an unknown time before 5:13 pm. VAT -Preparation 9 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 613-5 (cont.) -Michigan Daniel Ellsberg -Andrew Coyne's article -News summary -Indiana University -CIA psychoanalysis Busing -Possible constitutional amendment -Pending Congressional vote -South -Democrats -Amendment on higher education bill -Edward L. Morgan's group's activities -Louis P. Harris poll -Domestic Council -Possible constitutional amendment -Edmund S. Muskie, Hubert H. Humphrey, Edward M. Kennedy and Jackson -Morgan -Philip A. Hart -Recall petition Frank F. Church -Recall petition Hart -Recall petition -Robert P. Griffin Busing -Blacks' view -Popular opinion ***************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 5 [Personal Returnable] [Duration: 54s ] 10 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 613-5 (cont.) END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 5 ***************************************************************** -Views of Daniel P. Moynihan's friend from Johns Hopkins University Race relations Kissinger entered at 5:13 pm. -Universities -Black studies -Impact -University of Washington -Quotas -White man's suit -Judge's ruling The President's forthcoming meeting with Gerald R. Ford and Leslie C. Arends -Kissinger's conversation with Clark MacGregor -Vietnam Ehrlichman left at 5:20 pm. -Troop withdrawal -Deadline -Handling -Advance talk Bull entered at an unknown time after 5:20 pm. The President's schedule -Ford and Arends Bull left at an unknown time before 5:24 pm. The President's forthcoming meeting with Ford and Arends -Vietnam -Troop withdrawal 11 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 613-5 (cont.) -Deadline -Kissinger's schedule -MacGregor -Foreign aid -H. R. Haldeman -Kissinger's conversation with MacGregor -Kissinger’s role -Vietnam -Negotiations -North Vietnamese Foreign Minister's article -Political situation in House of Representatives -Public feeling -Votes -MacGregor Kissinger left at 5:24 pm.