Conversation: 621-028
Prev:  621-027 Next: 621-029Start Date: 20-Nov-1971 10:57 AM
End Date: 20-Nov-1971 11:10 AM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Cox, Tricia Nixon; Bull, Stephen B.; Eisenhower, Julie Nixon; Woods, Rose Mary; Bible, Alan; Recording Device: Oval Office
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 02:37:38
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 02:48:26
NARA Description:
On November 20, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, Tricia Nixon Cox, Stephen B. Bull, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Rose Mary Woods, and Alan Bible met in the Oval Office of the White House at an unknown time between 10:57 am and 11:10 am. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 621-028 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 621-28 Date: November 20, 1971 Time: 10:57 am - unknown before 11:10 am Location: Oval Office Tricia Nixon Cox talked with the President between 10:57 and 11:01 am. 27 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 621-28 (cont.) ***************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 [Personal Returnable] [Duration: 4m 20s ] [Conversation No. 621-28A] [See Conversation No. 15-71; one item has been withdrawn from the conversation] Stephen B. Bull and Julie Nixon Eisenhower entered at 11:01 am. The President conferred with Bull during the phone conversation. Bull left at 11:01 am. [End of telephone conversation] END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 ***************************************************************** The President's speech to American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations [AFL-CIO] convention -Television coverage -Charles G. (“Bebe”) Rebozo, Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon and [Dwight] David Eisenhower, II Rose Mary Woods entered at 11:03 am. -Telegrams -Copies -Mrs. Lou Gehrig The President talked with Alan Bible between 11:03 am and 11:05 am. [Conversation No. 621-28B] 28 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 621-28 (cont.) [See Conversation No. 15-72; one item has been withdrawn from the conversation] [End of telephone conversation] Woods left at 11:04 am. Telegram from Gehrig -David Eisenhower Portrait -George Washington The President's speech to AFL-CIO convention -Television coverage [Pause] Julie Nixon Eisenhower left at an unknown time before 11:10 am.