Conversation: 624-013
Prev:  624-012 Next: 624-014Start Date: 24-Nov-1971 10:01 AM
End Date: 24-Nov-1971 11:40 AM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Connally, John B.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Shultz, George P.; [Unknown person(s)]; Recording Device: Oval Office
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 01:28:16
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 03:11:04
NARA Description:
On November 24, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, John B. Connally, John D. Ehrlichman, George P. Shultz, and unknown person(s) met in the Oval Office of the White House from 10:01 am to 11:40 am. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 624-013 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 624-13 Date: November 24, 1971 Time: 10:01 am - 11:40 am Location: Oval Office The President met with John B. Connally, John D. Ehrlichman and George P. Shultz. [The recording begins at an unknown time while the meeting is in progress] National economy -Unknown man's report -Phase II -Revenue-sharing -Polls -Taxing and spending Council of Economic Advisors [CEA] -Herbert Stein's role -Announcement 18 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) -Paul W. McCracken -Shultz -Spokesman -Arthur F. Burns -Connally and Shultz -International monetary situation -Henry A. Kissinger, Connally and Shultz -The President’s view Fiscal Year 1973 budget -Value Added Tax [VAT] -The President's schedule -Forthcoming meeting -Connally -Tax credits for parochial schools -Revenue sharing -Deficit -Effect on national economy -Political effect -Rhetoric -VAT -Balanced budget -Possible congressional action -VAT -Domestic Council poll -Taxes -Spending -National defense -Balanced budget -Inflation -VAT -Property taxes -Balanced budget -Poll -National defense -Balanced budget -Fiscal Year 1972 budget -Outlays -Revenue sharing -Revenue estimate -Congress 19 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 624-13 (cont.) -Deficit -Possible congressional action -Balance -National defense -Shultz's consultation with Kissinger -Previous meeting with the President -Increase -Uncontrollable items -Fiscal Years 1972 and 1974 -Revenue sharing -House Resolution [HR] 1 An unknown man entered at an unknown time after 10:01 am. Phone -Request to hold calls The unknown man left at an unknown time before 11:36 am. Fiscal Year 1973 budget -Deficit -Tax yield -Fiscal Year 1972 -Revenue -Possible congressional action -Connally and Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger -Deficit -Compared with Fiscal Year 1972 budget -Supplemental request -Space program Connally's schedule -Forthcoming meeting with the President -[Unintelligible] judge -Rolf Pauls An unknown man entered at an unknown time after 10:01 am. The President's schedule -Departure for California -Connally 20 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 624-13 (cont.) -Stephen B. Bull -Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon The unknown man left at an unknown time before 11:36 am. Connally's schedule [Unintelligible] judge Fiscal Year 1973 budget -Federal expenditures -Effects -Democrats -Balance -Revenue sharing -Possible congressional action -Fiscal Year 1972 budget -Effect -Balance -Changes -Effect -Congressional spending -Pending tax bill -The President’s view -Child development -Effect on business community -Burns -Full employment -Narcotics task force -Research and development -Politics -Polls -National malaise -Elmo Roper -Public associates -National goals -National growth policy -New cities -Economic development of Mid-West -Education -Job training -Revolving fund 21 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 624-13 (cont.) -Funding comparison to the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank -Environment -Edmund S. Muskie's water quality bill -Ehrlichman’s view -Possible veto -Politics -Waste treatment -The President’s view -Poll -White House formulation of questions asked -Water quality bill -Possible veto -Editorial support -Research and development -National growth policy -Population shift to Mid-West -Jobs -Organizational structure -New cities -Prospects of success -Shultz, Peter G. Peterson and Peter M. Flanigan -Bureaucracy's views -Jeb Stuart Magruder -Ailing industries -Aerospace, airlines and railroads -Government reorganization -International competition -Ailing industries -Possible subsidy -International competition -Tax laws, research and development and career education -Federal management of Office of Science and Technology [OST] -Changes in bureaucracy -Science Advisor -Office of Management and Budget [OMB] -Possible projects -National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA] -Ehlrichman’s view -OMB -OST 22 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 624-13 (cont.) -The President’s view -Richard P. Feynman -Albert Einstein and Franklin D. Roosevelt -Atomic bomb -Lobbying -Executive Office of the President [EOP] -Personnel -Atomic Energy Commission [AEC] -James R. Schlesinger -National Bureau of Standards [NBS] -Narcotics task force -Treasury Department -Eugene T. Rossides and Martin R. Pollner -John N. Mitchell -Street pushers -Myles J. Ambrose -Politics -Bureaucratic struggle -Drug Enforcement Agency [DEA], Bureau of Customs -Connally’s view -Ambrose and Rossides -Connally’s view -John E. (“Jack”) Ingersoll -The President’s view -Connally's meeting with Mitchell -Bureaucratic struggle -DEA and Bureau of Customs -Politics -Revenue sharing -Welfare reform -Space program -Two launches -17,500 employees -Timing -1972 election -The President’s view -Jobs -Space shuttle -Launches -The President’s view -Amchitka 23 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 624-13 (cont.) -Political risk -1972 election -Apollo 13 -Timing of next launch -Ongoing programs -Space shuttle -Jobs in California -Ronald W. Reagan -Speed of development -Political support -Compared with agriculture issues -The President’s view -Space shuttle -Skylab -Future projects -Manned compared to unmanned craft -Other satellites -Rapid mass transit -Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger's views -John A. Volpe -Emphasis -Connally’s view -Publicity -Political value -Volpe -Effect on cities -Community development -Jobs -Subway system -Political value -Volpe's activities -International treaties -Northeast corridor -San Francisco-San Diego-Los Angeles corridor -Mid-West -Publicity -Agriculture -Earl L. Butz -Commitments to farm organizations -Edwin L. Harper's conversation with Ehrlichman -Corn and wheat price support 24 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 624-13 (cont.) -Corn blight in 1972 -Stockpiles -Sales -Mental health -The President's previous meeting -Community mental health centers -Elliot L. Richardson -Lyndon B. Johnson -The President’s view -Community assistance -Model cities -George W. Romney -Revenue sharing -National growth policy -Purpose -The President’s view -Cosmetic improvements to slums -Possible organized national effort -Connally’s view -Washington, DC program -Walter E. Washington -Trash collection -National guard -Miami housing project -The President's previous visit -Pruitt-Igoe (St. Louis housing project) -Status -Private ownership of public housing units -Post Office -Rate increase for magazines -Reader's Digest -Subsidy -Rate increase for magazines -The President’s view -Congress -Legal requirements -Possible effect -Hedley W. Donovan -Aged -Ehrlichman's forthcoming meeting with Arthur S. Flemming -Views of Flemming and Richardson 25 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 624-13 (cont.) -Views of [Forename unknown] Burchang [sp?] -Subsidy for prescription drugs -Real estate taxes -Interest groups -Politics -The President’s view -Farmers and aged -Blacks and Jews -Aged -Social Security increase -Timing -Possible use of vacant military bases -Water projects in west -Rogers C. B. Morton -Federal employees' pay -Possible amendment to Economic Stabilization Act -Pay Board -George H. Mahon's previous conversation with Shultz -Phase II -Increase -Federal employees -California and Texas compared with Washington, DC -Increase -Pay Board -Labor unions -VAT -The President's schedule -Forthcoming meeting -Federal employees' pay -Clark MacGregor's efforts -Forthcoming announcement in California -National security -The President's schedule -Shultz, Kissinger and Connally -Ehrlichman -Tax deduction for political campaigns -Possible veto -Congress's possible actions -Possible effects -Possible veto -William E. Brock III 26 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/06) Conv. No. 624-13 (cont.) -Hugh Scott -Possible effect -The President’s view -Union contributions -Founding Fathers' limitation on franchise -Present situation -Possible effect Ehrlichman and Shultz left at 11:36 am. The President's schedule -Connally, Burns, Shultz and Kissinger International monetary situation -Burns's views -Conversation with Connally -Convertibility -International Monetary Fund [IMF] -Import surcharge National economy -Money supply -Flanigan's efforts -Connally's conversations -Burns -Flanigan -Connally's conversation with Burns The President's schedule -Forthcoming meeting Connally left at 11:40 am.