Conversation: 717-012
Prev:  717-011 Next: 717-013Start Date: 2-May-1972 11:42 AM
End Date: 2-May-1972 11:50 AM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Bull, Stephen B.; Walters, Vernon A.; Tamm, Edward; Jones, Lauren; Walters, Frederick J.; Walters, James; Walters, Vincent C.; Walters, Vincent C. (Mrs.); Walters, Richard; Adams, Peter; Helms, Richard M.; Woods, Rose Mary; Tkach, Walter R.; Haig, Alexander M., Jr.; Hartley, Muriel; Ovellette, Nancy; White House photographer; Recording Device: Oval Office
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 00:47:02
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 00:54:54
NARA Description:
On May 2, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Stephen B. Bull, Vernon A. Walters, Edward Tamm, Lauren Jones, Frederick J. Walters, James Walters, Vincent C. Walters, Mrs. Vincent C. Walters, Richard Walters, Peter Adams, Richard M. Helms, Rose Mary Woods, Walter R. Tkach, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Muriel Hartley, Nancy Ovellette, and White House photographer met in the Oval Office of the White House from 11:42 am to 11:50 am. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 717-012 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 717-12 Date: May 2, 1972 Time: 11:42-11:50 am Location: Oval Office The President met with Stephen B. Bull. President's schedule -Signing of document Vernon A. Walters, Judge Edward Tamm, Mrs. Laureen Jones, Mrs. Frederick J. Walters, James Walters, Vincent C. Walters, Mrs. Vincent C. Walters, Richard Walters, Peter Adams, Richard M. Helms, Rose Mary Woods, Major General Walter R. Tkach, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Mrs. Muriel Hartley and Nancy Ovellette entered at 11:43 am; the White House photographer was present at the beginning of the meeting. Meeting with President 10 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Dec-01) -Arrangements Bull left at 11:44 am. Vernon A. Walters's promotion Photographs Swearing-in ceremony -Instructions -Oath Walters's promotion -Anniversary of military service Walters's career -President's trip to Caracas -Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] Photograph session -Arrangements -Helms Introductions President's gifts -Cufflinks -Rose Mary Woods Walters -New job at CIA [General conversation] Walters, et al., left at 11:50 am.