Conversation: 746-016
Prev:  746-015 Next: 746-017Start Date: 1-Jul-1972 11:19 AM
End Date: 1-Jul-1972 12:15 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Colson, Charles W.; White House operator; Ziegler, Ronald L.; Reagan, Ronald W.; Bull, Stephen B.; Weinberger, Caspar W. ("Cap"); Eisenhower, Julie Nixon; Recording Device: Oval Office
NARA Description:
On July 1, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Charles W. Colson, White House operator, Ronald L. Ziegler, Ronald W. Reagan, Stephen B. Bull, Caspar W. ("Cap") Weinberger, and Julie Nixon Eisenhower met in the Oval Office of the White House from 11:19 am to 12:15 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 746-016 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 746-16 Date: July 1, 1972 Time: 11:19 am - 12:15 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with Charles W. Colson. ***************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 [Personal returnable] [Duration: 1m 48s ] END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 ***************************************************************** 20 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) Issues -Housing, maritime, elderly -Elderly -Colson’s forthcoming call to Arthur S. Flemming -Llewelyn J. (“Bud”) Evans, Jr. -Flemming’s schedule Social Security -Veto message -Prices and spending -Increased taxes The White House operator talked with the President at an unknown time between 11:19 am and 11:25 am. [Conversation No. 746-16A] [See Conversation No. 26-36] [End of telephone conversation] The President’s press conference, June 29, 1972 -Attempts to contact Cabinet -Instructions to Colson -John A. Volpe -George W. Romney -Romney’s schedule -Canada -Volpe’s schedule -Virgin Islands -Melvin R. Laird Laird -Politics The President’s recent press conference -French prisoners of war [POWs] -Laird -Murrey Marder -Nationality -Memorandum -Gen. Douglas MacArthur In Philippines -French withdrawal from Vietnam 21 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) -Effect on South Vietnam David Kraslow’s article -Vietnam negotiations -Henry A. Kissinger -Jews -Marder, Kraslow -Israel -John A. Scali’s conversation with Kraslow -Vietnam negotiations -Kissinger -POWs -George S. McGovern Ronald L. Ziegler entered at 11:25 am. The President’s statement about ship building contracts, July 1, 1972 -Reaction -Value of contracts -Social Security bill statement -Timing -Clark MacGregor -Changes to statement -MacGregor's press conference Kraslw’s article -Vietnam negotiations -Kissinger -POWs The President’s recent press conference -French POWs -Nationality -POWs held by Japan in the Philippines -McGovern -Crosby S. Noyes's article, June 30, 1972 -South Vietnamese Ziegler left and the President talked with Ronald W. Reagan at 11:28 am. [Conversation No. 746-16B] [See Conversation No. 26-37] 22 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) [End of telephone conversation] Issues -Shipbuilding contracts -Andrew E. Gibson and Robert J. Blackwell -Elderly -Food program, mailing -Social Security -Compared to Dwight D. Eisenhower Administration -Democrats -Veterans -Aging -Medicare -Social Security bill -Pending legislation -Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare [HEW], Office of Economic Opportunity [OEO] -Vetoes -Voting pattern of elderly -Compared to Jews -Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger Pending legislation -Cuts -Public broadcasting bill veto -Lobby -Press and Congressional reaction -Broadcasters -Donald Oberdorfer, Jr. -Public perception of public television -Networks -William S. Paley -Government competition with private enterprise Elmer Lower's speech -American Broadcasting Corporation [ABC] -Richard S. Salant -Intimidation by Administration -Economic coercion -Colson's letters to Leonard H. Goldenson and Frank Stanton -Goldenson's letter to Colson 23 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) -Tone -James C. Hagerty -Copy to Lower -Public mistrust of network news -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew Watergate break-in -Republican National Committee -The President's role -Public impression -Robert F. Kennedy's bugging -1968 bugging -Kevin P. Phillips’s column -Anna C. Chennault -The President's telephones -Lyndon B. Johnson -Federal Bureau of Investigations [FBI] -Bugging McGovern -Vietnam negotations -Phillips's article Stephen B. Bull entered at an unknown time after 11:28 am. The President's schedule -Weinberger Bull left at an unknown time before 11:36 am. Weinberger -Defense Department -Meat purchase cuts Weinberger entered at 11:36 am. -Defense Department procurement -[David] Kenneth Rush -Kenneth W. Dam -Paul H. Riley -Press release Social Security bill statement -Necessity for taxes to balance spending -Congress 24 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) -Veto strategy -Elliot L. Richardson -Education, health -House Resolution [HR] 1 -Social Security increase Necessity for budget cuts -Model cities -Amount of Social Security increase -Public broadcasting -Model cities -Urban renewal -Day care -OEO -Forthcoming message -Spending ceiling -University grants -Advisory committees -HEW -Effects on economy -Timing -Urban renewal -1974, 1975 -October 1. 1972 -Announcements Social Security -Bill signing -Compared to veto -Budget cuts -Date of checks -Notice in envelopes -Wording -Past practice in California -Franchise tax board -Legislature -Credit to Administration -Social Security Administration [SSA] -Robert M. Ball -Colson’s previous action -Unknown project -Presidential statement -Presidential quote 25 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) -Numbers of recipients -Bill signing -Possible veto Budget -1973, 1974, 1975 -Possible vetoes Instructions for Weinberger -Forthcoming calls to Cabinet officers -Veto message -Budget -Increases -Cuts -The President's directive -Office of Management and Budget [OMB] -Possible vetoes -Department program cuts Defense spending -Meat purchase cuts -HEW -Hospitals -Weinberger memorandum -Press coverage OMB -Weinberger’s forthcoming call to H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman Forthcoming budget announcements -Weinberger’s forthcoming call to Haldeman -Frank C. Carlucci -Timing -Democratic National Convention -Cabinet officers’ roles -Meeting with food retailers and chain store executives -Strategy and proposed message -Debt ceiling, 1974 -Cabinet 1974 budget ceilings -HEW -HUD 26 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) -HR 1 The President’s schedule Social Security bill -Winston S. Churchill's statement on electoral defeat -Conversation with wife -Potsdam -Signing -The President’s conversation with Clark MacGregor -Olin E. (“Tiger”) Teague -Veterans bill -Budget -Congressional spending -Veto strategy -Debt ceiling extension -October 31, 1972 -Possible special session of Congress -Timing Weinberger left at 11:53 am. Social Security increases -Budget -Congressional spending -The President's press conference June 29 1972 -Briefing book -Domestic Council -John D. Ehrlichman -Patrick J. Buchanan -Dwight D. Eisenhower's vetoes -Overrides -Social Security -Future vetoes -Cost of living Weinberger -Political sensibilities -Colson -Veterans, Social Security -Compared to George P. Shultz -Treasury Department 27 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) Social Security -Mailings -Bureaucrats -Ball -Reappointment -Previous mailing -Colson -SSA The President left and returned at an unknown time before 11:56 am. The President’s schedule The President talked with the White House operator at an unknown time between 11:53 and 1:56 am. [Conversation No. 746-16C] [See Conversation No. 26-38] [End of telephone conversation] ***************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 4 [Personal returnable] [Duration: 19m 2s ] The President talked with Julie Nixon Eisenhower between 11:56 am and 11:59 am. [CONVERSATION NO. 746-16D] [SEE CONVERSATION NO. 26-39] [End of telephone conversation] END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 4 ***************************************************************** 28 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Oct-06) Colson left at 12:15 pm.