Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 758-017

Prev:  758-016 Next: 758-018

Start Date: 1-Aug-1972 4:57 PM

End Date: 1-Aug-1972 5:17 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Cook, Richard K.Friedersdorf, Max L.Nidecker, John E.Bishop, John J., Jr.Dowd, William F.Robison, Howard W.Erlenborn, John N.Zwach, John M.Cederberg, Elford A.Gubser, Charles S.Crane, Philip M.Mosher, Charles A.Andrews, MarkDuncan, JohnBurke, J. HerbertFindley, PaulKyl, JohnO'Konski, Alvin E.Myers, John T.Lujan, Manuel, Jr.Clawson, Delwin M.Archer, William, Jr.Snyder, M. GeneCase, Clifford P.Hatfield, Mark O.Biester, Edward G., Jr.Brown, Garry E.Conte, Silvio O.Davis, Glenn R.Derwinski, Edward J.Dickinson, William L.Hosmer, CraigMartin, David T.Minshall, William E.Nelsen, AncherRhodes, John J.Ruppe, Philip E.Sandman, Charles W., Jr.Saylor, John P.Scherle, William J.White House photographer

Recording Device: Oval Office


NARA Description:

On August 1, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Richard K. Cook, Max L. Friedersdorf, John E. Nidecker, and incumbent Republican Congressmen and candidates, including John J. Bishop, Jr., William J. Dowd, Howard W. Robison, John N. Erlenborn, John M. Zwach, Elford A. Cederberg, Charles S. Gubser, Philip M. Crane, Charles A. Mosher, Mark Andrews, John J. Duncan, J. Herbert Burke, Paul Findley, John Kyl, Alvin O'Konski, John T. Myers, Manuel Lujan, Jr., Delwin M. Clawson, William Archer, Jr., M. Gene Snyder, Clifford P. Case, Mark O. Hatfield, Edward G. Biester, Jr., Garry E. Brown, Silvio O. Conte, Glenn R. Davis, Edward J. Derwinski, William L. Dickinson, Craig Hosmer, David T. Martin, William E. Minshall, Ancher Nelsen, John J. Rhodes, Philip E. Ruppe, Charles W. Sandman, Jr., John P. Saylor, William Scherle, and White House photographer, met in the Oval Office of the White House from 4:57 pm to 5:17 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 758-017 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 758-17

Date: August 1, 1972
Time: 4:59 pm - 5:17 pm
Location: Oval Office

Unknown men [White House photographers?] met.

             The President’s forthcoming photograph session with Congressmen and
             Congressional candidates
                 -Oliver F. (“Ollie”) Atkins
                 -Technical problems
                     -Film speed
                     -Jack [unknown last name]

The President met with Richard K. Cook, Max L. Friedersdorf, John E. Nidecker, John Bishop,
Bill Dowd, Howard Robinson, John N. Erlenborn, John Zwach, Elford Cederberg, Charles S.
Gubser, Philip M. Crane, Charles Mosher, Mark Andrews, John J. Duncan, J. Herbert Burke,


                                       Tape Subject Log
                                         (rev. Nov-03)

Paul Findley, John Kyl, Alvin O'Konski, John T. Myers, Manuel Lujan, Jr., Del Clawson, Bill
Archer, M.G. Snyder, Clifford P. Case, Mark O. Hatfield, Edward G. Biester, Gary Brown,
Silvio O. Conte, Glenn R. Davis, Edward J. Derwinski, William L. Dickinson, Craig Hosmer,
Dave Martin, William E. Minshall, Ancher Nelsen, John Rhodes, Philip E. Ruppe, Charles
Sandman, John Saylor, and William Scherle. The White House photographer was present at the
beginning of the meeting.


[Personal returnable]
[Duration: 16m 12s    ]

Bishop, et al., except Cook, Friedersdorf and Nidecker, left at 5:14 pm.



                     -Rules Committee
                         -Constitutional amendment
                     -Education and Labor Committee
                         -Bill Palmer [?]
                              -Affirmative standards bill
                     -Constitutional amendment
                         -Possibility of passage
                     -Speaker of the House [Carl B. Albert]
                         -Gerald R. Ford
                     -Affirmative standards bill


                                      Tape Subject Log
                                        (rev. Nov-03)

                          -Possibility of House passage
                      -Liberal Democrats

Cook, Friedersdorf and Nidecker left at 5:17 pm.