Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 784-016

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Start Date: 21-Sep-1972 12:07 PM

End Date: 21-Sep-1972 12:11 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Beall, J. Glenn, Jr.Gubser, Charles S.Pike, Otis G.Nolan, Robert W.White House photographer

Recording Device: Oval Office


NARA Description:

On September 21, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, J. Glenn Beall, Jr., Charles S. Gubser, Otis G. Pike, Robert W. Nolan, and White House photographer met in the Oval Office of the White House from 12:07 pm to 12:11 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 784-016 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:

Conversation No. 784-16

Date: September 21, 1972
Time: 12:07 pm - 12:11 pm
Location: Oval Office

The President met with J. Glenn Beall, Jr., Charles S. Gubser, Otis G. Pike, and Robert W.
Nolan; the White House photographer was present at the beginning of the meeting.


             Photograph session

             Revenue sharing

             Social Security benefits

             House Resolution [HR] 10670

                                        Tape Subject Log
                                          (rev. Nov-03)

                       -The President’s signature
                           -Effect on retirees estates

              Photograph session

              HR 10670
                     -Nolan’s writing
                     -Gubser’s introduction


              Newspaper clipping sent to Gubser
                 -[unknown] Times
                          -Earl Warren

              News summary

              Election of Beall
                       -1970 election
                       -Beall’s conversation with Nancy Lee (Smith) Beall
                       -1976 election

Beall et al. left at 12:11 pm.