Conversation: 795-015
Prev:  795-014 Next: 795-016Start Date: 10-Oct-1972 1:20 PM
End Date: 10-Oct-1972 1:35 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Butterfield, Alexander P.; Woods, Rose Mary; Recording Device: Oval Office
NARA Description:
On October 10, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, Alexander P. Butterfield, and Rose Mary Woods met in the Oval Office of the White House at an unknown time between 1:20 pm and 1:35 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 795-015 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 795-15 Date: October 10, 1972 Time: Unknown between 1:20 pm and 1:35 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with Alexander P. Butterfield and Rose Mary Woods. 24 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Nov-03) Photocopy instruction Wood left at an unknown time before 1:35 pm. The President's schedule -Letter Items for the President’s signature The President's schedule -Camp David -Senators, Elliot L. Richardson, George P. Shultz -Spending ceiling legislation -Passage in the House of Representatives -James S. Copley -H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman -Herbert G. Klein -Ronald L. Ziegler -Copley’s health -Visit to ethnic leaders -Haldeman -Michael Balzano, Jr. -Frederic V. Malek -Richard A. Moore -Marriott Key Bridge Motel -Campaigning -President’s address on Crime and Drug Abuse, October 15, 1972 - US-Poland Science and Technology agreement -Signing ceremony, October 19, 1972 -Dr. Edward E. David, Jr. -William P. Rogers -Polish-Americans -Polish government -Communism -The President’s recent meeting [with Witold Trampczynski] -Film presentation The President's schedule -Veterans Day -Television broadcast -Veterans hospitals -Radio 25 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. Nov-03) -Meetings -Blacks in the administration -Jews -Editors -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew -Elinor I. (Judefind) Agnew -State Dining Room Butterfield left at an unknown time before 1:35 pm.