Conversation: 840-005
Prev:  840-004 Next: 840-006Start Date: 3-Feb-1973 10:29 AM
End Date: 3-Feb-1973 10:59 AM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Woods, Rose Mary; Recording Device: Oval Office
NARA Description:
On February 3, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon and Rose Mary Woods met in the Oval Office of the White House from 10:29 am to 10:59 am. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 840-005 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 840-5 Date: February 3, 1973 Time: 10:29 am - 10:59 am Location: Oval Office The President met with Rose Mary Woods. The President’s correspondence -Letters -Forms -Telephone calls -News summary -Roy L. Ash -Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger The President's comment -Woods's role -Personal call to senders -Ash -News summary -The President’s comments -Cabinet members -John D. Ehrlichman's call to senders -Morale Bombing of North Vietnam -Reactions -10- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Sep.-09) Conversation No. 840-5 (cont’d) The President’s press conference -Reactions -White House cars’ drivers -Vietnam Veterans -Amnesty for draft evaders -Jail -Nixon supporter -Grandmother -Patriotism Press relations -Patriotism -Goldthwaite Dorr -Anger at press and Congress -Health -The President's 1973 inauguration -Henry A. Kissinger briefing of treaty -[Dwight] David Eisenhower, II -Vietnam settlement -Helen Frick -Support for the President - United Nations [UN] response to the President's peace efforts -Chicago Tribune -December 1972 bombing -Explanations -Jack Drown's call to Woods -Press conference -News coverage -The President's actions -Congressional critics - J. William Fulbright -William E. Timmons -Invitations to state dinners -Edward R. G. Heath -Hussein ibn Talal [Hussein, King of Jordan] -11- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Sep.-09) Conversation No. 840-5 (cont’d) -Michael J. (“Mike”) Mansfield -Invitation to state dinner -Golda Meir -Samuel L. Devine -Support Access to the President -Cabinet -William P. Rogers -State Department -Elliot L. Richardson -Defense Department -Frederic V. Malek -Maurice H. Stans -Contributors -Compared to political operatives -Clark MacGregor -George H. W. Bush -Heath -Meeting with [Hussein, King of Jordan] Hussein ibn Talal -Queen Alia -List of contributors -H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman -Stephen B. Bull -Blacks -Supporters of the President -Symbolism -Campaign contributors -Lists -Blacks -Symbolism -Number -Mayors -Robert S. Brown [?] -Hussein dinner -Walter E. Washington -12- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Sep.-09) Conversation No. 840-5 (cont’d) -Leonard Garment -Jews -Gold Meir dinner [?] -Max M. Fisher’s list -United Jewish Appeal -Jewish supporters of the President -Hubert H. Humphrey's worker -New York rabbi December 1972 bombing -Difficulties -Cabinet -Cambodia bombing -1972 Moscow summit ********************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] Reactions -Tricia Nixon Cox -Julie Nixon Eisenhower -Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon [End segment reviewed under deed of gift] ********************************************************************** -Press coverage -Editors -Chicago Tribune -Los Angeles Times Press relations -Opposition to the President -Raymond K. Price, Jr. -Consensus -13- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Sep.-09) Conversation No. 840-5 (cont’d) -Soviet Union -People's Republic of China [PRC] -Attacks on President -Robert B. Semple, Jr. -New York Times editorial -Vermont Royster -Column -Vietnam peace -Praise for Kissinger -Jewish influence Jews -Garment -Kissinger, Arthur F. Burns, William L. Safire -Sense of inferiority -Garment -The President’s view -Kissinger Vietnam -Bombing -Kissinger -Negotiations -Wires to the President -Camp David -Alexander M. Haig, Jr. -The President’s view -Bombing recommendations -Television [TV] appearance by the President -Impression -“Peace is at hand” -Announcement -North Vietnam -Congress -Kissinger -Press coverage -14- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Sep.-09) Conversation No. 840-5 (cont’d) -Jews -Self-preservation ********************************************************************** [Begin segment reviewed under deed of gift] The President’s schedule -Camp David -Wood’s schedule -Haircut -Thelma C. (“Pat”) Nixon -Julie Nixon Eisenhower -Chicago -Woods’s schedule -Christmas cards -Weather [End segment reviewed under deed of gift] ********************************************************************** Heath -Camp David -Public statement -The President’s courage Great Britain -World War II contribution -Empire -India -Pakistan -Benefits -Africa -Sir Alexander D. (“Alec”) Douglas-Home -Heath -15- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Sep.-09) Conversation No. 840-5 (cont’d) -Rogers -Development -United Nations [UN] -The President’s view -Commonwealth -Heads of states -Cadillacs -Bahamas -Robert H. Abplanalp, Charles G. (“Bebe”) Rebozo -Investment -Blacks -Independence -Confiscation Pamela Powell -Dick Powell -Trip to Washington -June Allyson -Job in ACTION -California June Allyson -Heath -The President’s reception Daniel B. Brewster -Anne Bullitt Brewster -William C. Bullitt -Divorce -Senate -Bribes Woods's call to Coy Stennis -John C. Stennis -Chance of infection -The President's visit -16- NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Tape Subject Log (rev. Sep.-09) Conversation No. 840-5 (cont’d) -Gift - Support for the President John A. Volpe's telephone call -The President’s response -Note -Telephone calls John Stennis shooting -The President’s call to Coy Stennis -The President’s press conference -Prayer breakfast -Stennis family -Mississippi -Blacks -Robbery -George C. Wallace shooting Weather Woods left at 10:59 am.