Conversation: 094-003
Prev:  094-002 Next: 094-004Start Date: 10-Mar-1972 11:17 AM
End Date: 10-Mar-1972 12:33 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Cabinet Committee on Education; Connally, John B.; Kleindienst, Richard G.; Richardson, Elliot L.; Hastings, Wilmot R.; Shultz, George P.; O'Neill, Paul H.; Dam, Kenneth W.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Morgan, Edward L.; Clawson, James; Garment, Leonard; MacGregor, Clark; Price, Raymond K., Jr.; Cook, Richard K.; Chaffetz, Hammond; Bartlit, Fred; Jentes, William; Bork, Robert H.; Wright, Charles A.; McAuliffe, Daniel; White House photographer; Nixon, Richard M. (President); Cabinet Committee on Education; Connally, John B.; Kleindienst, Richard G.; Richardson, Elliot L.; Hastings, Wilmot R.; Shultz, George P.; O'Neill, Paul H.; Dam, Kenneth W.; Ehrlichman, John D.; Morgan, Edward L.; Clawson, James; Garment, Leonard; MacGregor, Clark; Price, Raymond K., Jr.; Cook, Richard K.; Chaffetz, Hammond; Bartlit, Fred; Jentes, William; Bork, Robert H.; Wright, Charles A.; McAuliffe, Daniel; White House photographer; Recording Device: Cabinet Room
NARA Description:
On March 10, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon, the Cabinet Committee on Education, and private attorneys, including John B. Connally, Richard G. Kleindeinst, Elliot L. Richardson, Wilmot R. Hastings, George P. Shultz, Paul H. O'Neill, Kenneth W. Dam, Edward L. Morgan, James Clawson, Leonard Garment, Clark MacGregor, Raymond K. Price, Jr., Richard K. Cook, Hammond Chaffetz, Fred Bartlit, William Jentes, Robert H. Bork, Charles A. Wright, and Daniel McAuliffe, and the White House photographer, met in the Cabinet Room of the White House from 11:17 am to 12:33 pm. The Cabinet Room taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 094-003 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 94-3 Date: March 10, 1972 Time: 11:17 am - 12:33 pm Location: Cabinet Room The President met with John B. Connally, Richard G. Kleindienst, Elliot L. Richardson, Wilmot R. Hastings, George P. Shultz, Paul H. O’Neill, Kenneth W. Dam, John D. Ehrlichman, Edward L. Morgan, James Clawson, Leonard Garment, Clark MacGregor, Raymond K. Price, Jr., Richard K. Cook, Hammond Chaffetz, Fred Bartlit, William Jentes, Robert H. Bork, Charles Wright, and Daniel McAuliffe; the White House photographer was present at the beginning of the meeting [Recording begins while the conversation is in progress] Introductions Connally Lawyers 12 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) School desegregation -Busing -Constitutional amendments -Moratorium -Statute -Outline -Statutory approach -Quality of educational opportunities -Policy issues -Emergency School Assistance Act -Compensatory education -Finances per pupil -Students who transfer -Poorer schools -Blacks -Equal opportunity -Busing -Statutes -Courts -Discrimination -De facto segregation -Courts -Busing -School sites -Transfer policies -Federal government role -Revenues -Secondary students -Elementary students -De facto -Moratorium -Chicago -Legislative action -Busing -Lawyers -Warren E. Burger -De facto -Constitutionality -Moratorium -Wright -Time limits -Types 13 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -No new busing -Limits -Time and distance -Supreme Court -Review -Available legislation -Constitutionality -Congress -Rights -Time limit -Supreme Court -District Courts -Administration policy -Public reaction -Pros and cons -Percentages -Constitutional amendment -Courts -Black leadership -Solutions -Brown v. Board of Education -Quality education -Constitutionality -Statutes -Wright -Constitutionality -Comments -Constitutionality -Fourteenth Amendment, Section V -Uniformity -Power of Congress -Power of courts -Jurisdiction -Congress -Legislative power -Article I -Congressional power -Temporary -Congressional power -Necessity -Burger -Court decisions 14 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Variations -Brown v. Board of Education -William T. Coleman, Jr. -Extension -Congressional action -Confusion -Supreme Court -Election year -Congress -Constitutional basis -Emotions -Polls -Courts -Chaffetz -Congress -Statutes -Intervention -Administration position -Legislation -Proposals -Court decision -Swann case -Data available -Supreme Court -Administration policy -United States’ citizens -Congress -Constitutional amendment -Lower courts -Mecklenburg situation, Richmond -Detroit and Grand Rapids, Michigan -Intervention -”Stop action” filings -Moratoriums -Uniformity -MacGregor -House -Vote -Democratic control -Republicans -Limitations -Time 15 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Hard line -Constitutional amendment -Americans’ reaction -Ashbrook and Broomfield amendment -Conferees -Solution -Legislation -Emergency School Aid funds -Title I fund problem -Richardson -Congress -Committee agreement -Rules committee -Conferees -Moratorium statute -Supreme Court -Timing -Responsibility -Congress -Committee conference -Upcoming election -Courts -Democrats -Republicans -Memorandum -Constitution -Lawyers -Congress -Effect on children -Need for confidentiality after meeting -Lawyers Gifts from the President -Wives -Appreciation John F. Kennedy -Unknown man’s visit -Tour Meeting -Appreciation 16 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 10/08) -Recommendations The People’s Republic of China trip -Julie Nixon Eisenhower’s observations -President’s toast -Chinese brandy -Ceremony -Chou En-lai -Procedure -Patricia R. (“Pat”) Nixon -Shopping -Peking -Gifts Busing -Further recommendations [General conversation/Unintelligible] The President, et al. left at 12:33 pm