Easy NixonAbout

Conversation: 094-004

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Start Date: 10-Mar-1972 12:45 PM

End Date: 10-Mar-1972 12:50 PM


Nixon, Richard M. (President)Aiken, George D.Patman, WrightWidnall, William B.Rogers, William P.Connally, John B.Kissinger, Henry A.Haig, Alexander M., Jr.Flanigan, Peter M.Plaza, GaloSantamaria, Carlos Sanz deMena, OrtizCostanzo, Henry J.Weatherby, ArtemisMcNamara, Robert S.Knapp, J. BurkeHennessy, John M.Smith, James E.Hormats, Robert D.Nidecker, John C.White House photographer

Recording Device: Cabinet Room





NARA Description:

On March 10, 1972, during the signing of contributions to International American Development Bank [S. 748], Asian Development Bank [S. 749], and International Development Association [S. 2010], President Richard M. Nixon, George D. Aiken, Wright Patman, William B. Widnall, William P. Rogers, John B. Connally, Henry A. Kissinger, Alexander M. Haig, Jr., Peter M. Flanigan, Galo Plaza, Carlos Sanz de Santamaria, Ortiz Mena, Henry J. Costanzo, Artemis Weatherby, Robert S. McNamara, J. Burke Knapp, John M. Hennessy, James E. Smith, Robert D. Hormats, John E. Nidecker, and the White House photographer met in the Cabinet Room of the White House from 12:45 pm to 12:50 pm. The Cabinet Room taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 094-004 of the White House Tapes.

Nixon Library Finding Aid:
