Conversation: 477-001
Prev:  476-029 Next: 477-002Start Date: 12-Apr-1971 9:10 AM
End Date: 12-Apr-1971 10:33 AM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Haldeman, H. R. ("Bob"); [Unknown person(s)]; Kissinger, Henry A.; Recording Device: Oval Office
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 00:00:47
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 01:20:33
NARA Description:
On April 12, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, unknown person(s), and Henry A. Kissinger met in the Oval Office of the White House from 9:10 am to 10:33 am. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 477-001 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 477-1 Date: April 12, 1971 Time: 9:10 am - 10:33 am Location: Oval Office The President met with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman and an unknown man Charles W. Colson -Mailings Polls The unknown man left at an unknown time before 10:33 am -National Broadcasting Company [NBC] -Vietnam -News summary -NBC -Washington Star -Opinion Research Corporation [ORC] -George H. Gallup -Publicity -Robert J. Dole -Congress -ORC -Presidential popularity -Democratic poll President’s schedule Forthcoming press conference, April 17, 1971 -Announcement -Wire services -Editors -Ronald L. Ziegler -President’s time spent with press and media -Television network commentators -Reporters -Howard K. Smith -Women’s press -Women’s television commentators 2 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Press conferences -Oval Office and television -Scheduling -Frequency -American Society of Newspaper Editors [ASNE] -Questions and answers -Victor Lasky -Allen S. Drury -Peregrine Worsthorne -Astronauts -Instructions for Ziegler -Herbert G. Klein -John A. Scali -John D. Ehrlichman -Format of future press conferences -Opportunity -Reaction -News summaries -Smith -Views of unknown journalists -Editors’ bulletin on President’s press activities -Press corps -Ziegler J. Edgar Hoover -Possible resignation -Washington Star article -Congress -Press -President’s defense of Hoover -Haldeman’s activities -Richard G. Kleindienst -John N. Mitchell -President’s conversation with Hoover -1972 election -General Lewis B. Hershey -Retirement -President’s possible conversation with Mitchell -Mitchell’s schedule 3 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) William P. Rogers -Instructions to Haldeman -Haldeman’s possible discussion with Rogers -Attitude towards foreign service -Charles W. Yost -Tenure -Views on Vietnam -[Forename unknown] Tatu Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -Cambodia -Information to press -State Department spokespeople -Support for President’s Vietnam policy -Laos -Yost -Rogers’ attitude -Lack of information in White House files -State Department -Goals -Rogers’ support for President’s Vietnam policy -Yost -President’s forthcoming meeting with editors -Need for Rogers to disagree with Yost -Possible questions -Foreign service personnel -Rogers’ attitude -Henry A. Kissinger -Support for President -Yost -Tenure -President’s defense -Rogers -Alger Hiss -Defense fund -Courtesy shown by White House -Council on foreign relations -Hubert H. Humphrey -Article -Kissinger -Letters -Middle East -Vietnam 4 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) Appointments -[Robert M.?] O’Mahoney -[Brian?] O’Doherty Unknown event [Easter parade?] -Need to abolish -Franklin D. Roosevelt Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) President’s schedule -President’s forthcoming meeting with Rogers -Kissinger -Vietnam -Laos -President’s Vietnam policy -Sequoia -Press conference -Timing Demonstrations -Veterans, April 19, 1971 -Prospect -Daughters of the American Revolution [DAR] -Meeting -Support -Common Cause -Composition -Rennie Davis -People’s Coalition for Peace in Vietnam -Davis -Names -Timing -April 24, 1971 President’s schedule -Camp David -Press conference -Demonstrations Demonstrations -Focus -Scheduling 5 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -”May Day” -Weathermen -Goals -Edmund S. Muskie President’s schedule -Mitchell -Republican Governors’ Conference, April 18-20, 1971 Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -Importance -President’s possible attendance -Mitchell’s views -Press -Revenue sharing -Politics -Mitchell’s ideas -President’s possible participation -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew -Meetings -Frequency -Agnew -Conference, April 18-20, 1971 -DAR -White House church service -Press conference, April 24, 1971 -Possible questions -Demonstrations -Possible response -Routineness -Camp David -Sequoia -Instructions for Haldeman -Use -Republican Governors’ Conference -President’s participation -Tom McCall -Politics -Mitchell -Public sessions Hoover -Possible retirement -Timing 6 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Mitchell -Timing of announcement -Resolution from Congress -Praise for Hoover -Choice of successor -Washington Star article -Subsequent President -Possible strategy Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -L[ouis] Patrick Gray, III -1972 election -Federal Bureau of Investigations [FBI] -Choice of successor President’s schedule -Speeches -Raymond K. Price, Jr. -DAR -Duration -Chamber of Commerce -Content President’s use of media -Radio talks -Scheduling -Audience -Subjects Youth conferences -Resolutions -Vietnam ****************************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 [Personal Returnable] [Duration: 3m 53s ] END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 1 ****************************************************************************** 7 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) “Establishment” dinner -Mitchell -List -Editors -Preston Wolfe -Francis L. Dale Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -President’s possible participation -Finance Maurice H. Stans dinner -Compared with W. Clement Stone dinner -Significance to participants -President’s activities -Timing -John B. Connally -Reaction -Paul W. McCracken -Briefing Economy -First quarter figures -Predictions -Gross National Product [GNP] -Optimism -Laos -Confidence -Construction -Employment -President’s conversations with various people -Recession -Arthur F. Burns -National agony -Forecast Revenue sharing -Ehrlichman and George P. Shultz -Sales plan -Ehrlichman’s schedule -William L. Safire -Price 8 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Need for explanation of plan Margaret Chase Smith -Defense of President -Lieutenant William L. Calley, Jr. Anti-ballistic Missiles [ABM] -Appropriations Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -Senate -Kissinger -Date of vote in Senate -Briefing -Kissinger -Clark MacGregor -William E. Timmons -Scali -Ziegler -Kissinger -Briefing -View of MacGregor Staff -Need for unity -Yost -United Nations [UN] -Yost -Tenure -MacGregor -Relations with Congress -Timmons -MacGregor and Timmons Vietnam -Conclusion of President’s speech on Southeast Asia, April 7, 1971 -Effects -Compared with November 3, 1969 -Stabilization -Safire -President’s policies -Troop withdrawal -Casualties -News story 9 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -US losses in fighting [related to North Vietnamese attack on Fire Base 6, Central Highlands, South Vietnam] -Helicopter -Casualties -Timing -Casualties -Cambodia -News story Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -Network coverage -Casualties -News summary -Press coverage -Decline since President’s speech on Southeast Asia, April 7, 1971 -MacGregor -Haldeman’s briefing -Scali -Colson briefing -Colson -Scali -Attendance at meetings -Kissinger -MacGregor -Morale -President’s April 7, 1971 meeting with MacGregor and others -Reaction to President’s speech on Southeast Asia, April 7, 1971 -Kissinger Congress -MacGregor -Domestic programs -Revenue sharing -Economy -Military appropriations -Draft extension -Carl B. Albert -Congressional reception at White House -80th Congress members Hoover -[Thomas] Hale Boggs -Publicity -Resignation 10 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Resolution in Congress -Letter of confidence -Resolution -Boggs -Letter -Circulation -House of Representatives -Political implications Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -MacGregor -Justice Department -Colson -Congress -Letter -Samuel L. Devine -Democrat -Circulation -Content President’s forthcoming meeting with ASNE, April 16, 1971 -Planning -Ziegler -Preliminaries -Television -Network radio -Planning President’s schedule -Possible press conference, April 17, 1971 -Preparation -Demonstrations Demonstrations -Polls -Possible press conference -People’s Coalition for Peace in Vietnam -Administration’s efforts President’s schedule -Press conference -Timing -Press corps -Press conference 11 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Scheduling -Demonstrations -Press conference -Preparation -Television coverage -Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT] talks -Press conference -Scheduling Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -May Day demonstrations -Possible conflict with press conference -Duration -Press conference -Timing -President’s speech on Southeast Asia, April 7, 1971 President’s schedule -Executive Office Building -Hoover -Kissinger -Easter parade Kissinger entered and the President left at 9:40 am [Pause] Easter egg roll White paper -Nixon Administration -Staff unity -Ziegler The President entered at an unknown time after 9:40 am Kissinger’s morale Vietnam -Casualties previous week -Predictions -Compared with Cambodia -Yost -Haldeman 12 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Rogers -Letter of October 1969 -Memos on all subjects -Tenure -George H. W. Bush -Yost -Washington Post -Meeting with Associated Press [AP] board Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -Meetings with Time and Newsweek editors -Support for President -Yost -Statement in 1968 on negotiations -Richard M. Helms -News summary -Pathet Lao desertions -Numbers People’s Republic of China [PRC] -Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [USSR] -Visit of ping-pong team -Announcement of visit -Recognition by US -Robert D. Murphy Vietnam -Fire Base 6 -Central Highlands -Possible US strategy -South Vietnamese military activities -Press attitudes -North Vietnamese casualties -Pathet Lao -Helms -Helms -Network coverage of losses -Compared to Korea -Casualty counting -Methods -Korea Calley case -Administration’s policy 13 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Unknown general’s role -Robert A. Taft, Jr.’s support for President -Colson -Prospects -Release statement PRC -Radio broadcasts Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -Reception of American ping-pong team -Newsmen -NBC -AP -Relations with US Pakistan -Agha Muhommad Yahya Khan -State Department -Rogers -Joseph J. Sisco -Dacca consulate -US policy -Analogy to Nigeria -Civil war -Biafra -Nazi Germany -Adolf Hitler -Dangers of US involvement -Bengali reaction -Leadership -West Pakistan -Rogers -Forthcoming policy statement for President -State Department -Rogers -US role -Vietnam -”Civil War” -Nigeria -Biafra -[Forename unknown] Bedell [sp?] -Civil war -Economic aid 14 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -India -Reaction to civil war -Bengalis -US policy Neutrality -Economic aid -West Pakistan Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) Vietnam -Demonstrations -Effects of war on American people -US position -Delaying action -Negotiations -Timing -PRC -USSR -Possible summit meeting -Lifting of trade restrictions with PRC ****************************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 5 [National Security] [Duration: 53s ] FOREIGN AFFAIRS END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 5 ****************************************************************************** -Communists -US policy -President’s speech on Southeast Asia, April 7, 1971 PRC initiative -Kissinger’s conversation with Rowland Evans 15 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Rogers -Marshall Green -State Department -Khan -Jean Sainteny -Nicolae Ceausescu -Indira Gandhi -Press reaction Conv. No. 477-1 (cont.) -Announcement on lifting of restrictions on trade -Timing -State Department -Announcement by President President’s schedule -Meeting with Anna C. Chennault -Meeting with Taiwan ambassador -Press corps The President, Haldeman, and Kissinger left at 10:33 am