Conversation: 479-003
Prev:  479-002 Next: 479-004Start Date: 14-Apr-1971 10:30 AM
End Date: 14-Apr-1971 12:20 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); Haldeman, H. R. ("Bob"); Bull, Stephen B.; Casey, William J.; Casey, Sophia (Kurz); Casey, Bernadette; Coffinas, Gustav; Langan, Thomas (Mrs.); Blen, Mary; Kurz, Lillian; Shaheen, John M.; Hall, Leonard W.; Kirk, Constance; Virdone, Joseph; Dickey, Raymond R.; Wells, John A.; Frank, Ben; Owens, Hugh F.; Smith, Richard B.; Needham, James J.; Needham, Dolores A. (Habick); Herlong, A[lbert] Sydney, Jr.; Lasker, Bernard J. ("Bunny"); Regan, Donald T.; Morin, Charles F.; Anderson, Glenn E.; Gordon, Albert H.; Calvert, Gordon L.; Rohatyn, Felix; Melton, Andrew J., Jr.; Stans, Maurice H.; Burns, Arthur F.; Connally, John B.; Springer, William L.; Carter, Robert; Folger, John C.; Sirica, John J.; Ryan, Michale B.; Sanchez, Manolo; Mosbacher, Emil ("Bus"), Jr.; Recording Device: Oval Office
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 01:12:08
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 02:51:10
NARA Description:
On April 14, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, H. R. ("Bob") Haldeman, Stephen B. Bull, William J. Casey, Sophia (Kurz) Casey, Bernadette Casey, Gustav Coffinas, Mrs. Thomas Langan, Mary Blen, Lillian Kurz, John M. Shaheen, Leonard W. Hall, Constance Kirk, Joseph Virdone, Raymond R. Dickey, John A. Wells, Ben Frank, Hugh F. Owens, Richard B. Smith, James J. Needham, Dolores A. (Habick) Needham, A[lbert] Sydney Herlong, Jr., Bernard J. ("Bunny") Lasker, Donald T. Regan, Charles F. Morin, Glenn E. Anderson, Albert H. Gordon, Gordon L. Calvert, Felix Rohatyn, Andrew J. Melton, Jr., Maurice H. Stans, Arthur F. Burns, John B. Connally, William L. Springer, Robert Carter, John C. Folger, John J. Sirica, Michale B. Ryan, Manolo Sanchez, and Emil ("Bus") Mosbacher, Jr. met in the Oval Office of the White House from 10:30 am to 12:20 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 479-003 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 479-3 Date: April 14, 1971 Time: 10:30 am - 12:20 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with H. R. (“Bob”) Haldeman Anti-ballistic Missiles [ABM] -Vote -Administration’s position -Staff meeting -Strategy -Political price for votes -Quid pro quo -Contracts, judgeships -Staff -Necessity 16 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Trades -Timing of vote -Trades -President’s possible meeting with Senators -Arguments -Administration losses in Senate -Illinois -Gains Conv. No. 479-2 (cont.) -Margaret Chase Smith -William E. Brock, III -President’s previous meeting -Henry A. Kissinger -Administration’s position -President’s instruction for staff -President’s meeting with Senators -Timing -Melvin R. Laird -Cabinet -William B. Saxbe -Clark MacGregor and William E. Timmons -Presidential involvement -Timing -Staff responsibilities -Firmness -Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [SALT] -William P. Rogers -Possible statement -Arguments -Deals -President’s previous meeting -Timing of vote -President’s possible involvement -Senators -David H. Gambrell -Lawton M. Chiles, Jr. -Arguments -Laird -Gambrell -Kissinger’s role -Gambrell -Chiles 17 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. -Smith -Shifts -Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application [NERVA] -Administration’s position -Timing of vote -Kissinger’s views -President’s previous meeting Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Smith -Timing of vote -Timing -Administration’s advantages -Deals -Presidential involvement -Appropriations bill -Prospects in Senate Texas drought -President’s conversation with General George A. Lincoln -John G. Tower -Publicity -John B. Connally -Involvement -Political handling -Haldeman’s forthcoming call to Tower -Political handling -Lincoln -President’s interest -Clifford M. Hardin -Presidential interest -Haldeman’s forthcoming call to Hardin -Publicity Justice Department -Drugs -[J. Edgar Hoover?] -War on crime -John N. Mitchell -Richard A. Moore 18 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) President’s conversation with Kissinger -Kissinger’s dinner with Joseph W. Alsop -Marilyn B. (“Missy”) Chandler President’s schedule -Meeting with Arthur F. Burns -Burns’ schedule -Forthcoming trip Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -George P. Shultz -John D. Ehrlichman -Leonard Garment -Shultz -Paul W. McCracken -Quadriad -Ehrlichman -Time -Forthcoming Republican Governors’ Conference, April 19, 1971 -Mitchell’s views -Ehrlichman’s views -Revenue sharing -Welfare reform -Ronald W. Reagan and Nelson A. Rockefeller -Issue -Poll -Families with children -Framing of questions -Elliot L. Richardson -Timing -Ehrlichman -Hard line -Timing -Daughters of the American Revolution [DAR] -Meeting -President’s participation -Greetings -Marine Corps Band -”Hail to the Chief” -Thelma C. (Ryan) (“Pat”) Nixon -Schedule -Tricia Nixon -Schedule 19 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Office press conference -Congressional leadership -Republican Governors’ Conference -Statement on welfare reform -Harry S. Dent -Opening -Worship service -Invitations Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Editors -List Smith -Approach toward Administration -Lieutenant William L. Calley, Jr. -Speech -Support for Administration President’s schedule ****************************************************************************** BEGIN WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 2 [National Security] [Duration: 1m 42s ] ZAMBIA END WITHDRAWN ITEM NO. 2 ****************************************************************************** -Visit to Camp Pendleton -1st Marine Division -Visit by Moroccan King [Moulay] Hassan II -Visit to California -Timing -Chamber of Commerce 20 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Visit by King Hassan II -Prime Minister Mohammed Karim Laurani -Visit to Camp Pendleton -Ceremony -Invitations -Meeting with Dr. Rainer Barzel [?] -Duration -Previous meeting with Barzel Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Visit to California -Kissinger’s view -Timing -Demonstrations -Possible public perception -Camp David -White House -Visit to California -Kissinger’s view -Demonstrations -Timing -Press conference -Camp Pendleton -Ceremony -Chamber of Commerce -Camp Pendleton -Moore -Welcome-home ceremony -Ehrlichman -John A. Scali -Timing -California -Florida Stephen B. Bull entered at an unknown time after 10:30 am -Swearing-in ceremony for William J. Casey Bull left at an unknown time before 11:10 am Tricia Nixon’s wedding -Invitations to White House staff and Cabinet -Rose Mary Woods -John S. Davies 21 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -McCracken -Kissinger -Woods -Casey -Dean Burch -Problem -Analogy -Haldeman and Ehrlichman Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Unknown ceremony -Ehrlichman’s views -Haldeman and Ehrlichman -Peter G. Peterson -Kissinger -Peterson -McCracken -Caspar W. (“Cap”) Weinberger -Haldeman, Ehrlichman, and Kissinger -Peter M. Flanigan -Assistants to the President -Scali -Charles W. Colson -Scali -Herbert G. Klein -Ronald L. Ziegler -Klein -Woods -Patrick J. Buchanan -Scali -Shelley A. Scarney -Garment -Buchanan-Scarney -Wedding -Raymond K. Price, Jr. -William L. Safire -Assistants to the President and Klein -Number of invitations -Limit -Staff -Peterson -Flanigan -Klein -Kissinger 22 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Haldeman -Ehrlichman -Peterson -Julie Nixon Eisenhower’s wedding Bull entered at an unknown time after 10:30 am Casey swearing-in ceremony Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Statement -President’s position -John J. Sirica Bull left at an unknown time before 11:10 am T. Nixon’s wedding Casey, Sophia (Kurz) Casey, Bernadette Casey, George Casey, Mrs. Thomas Langan, Mrs. Fred Nimmich, Mary Blend, Lillian Kurz, John M. Shaheen, Leonard W. Hall, Constance Kirk, Joseph Virdone, Raymond R. Dickey, John A. Wells, Ben Frank, Hugh F. Owens, Richard B. Smith, James J. Needham, Dolores A. (Habick) Needham, A[lbert] Sydney Herlong, Jr., Bernard J. (“Bunny”) Lasker, Donald T. Regan, Charles F. Morin, Glenn E. Anderson, Albert H. Gordon, Gordon L. Calvert, Felix Rohatyn, Andrew J. Melton, Jr., Maurice H. Stans, Burns, Connally, William L. Springer, Robert Carter, John C. Folger, Sirica, and Michael B. Ryan entered at 11:10 am; members of the press were present at the beginning of the meeting [General conversation] [Applause] Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC] -Office -Regulatory agencies -Impact -Business -W. J. Casey [Applause] Swearing-in of W. J. Casey -Oath of office [Applause] 23 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) Burns Ceremony -President’s confidence in W. J. Casey W. J. Casey’s statement -Gratitude -SEC Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Administration’s policy -Tradition -Staff -Capitalist system -Investor confidence -Capital machinery -Capital resources -Importance -Economic health -US competitive position in world -Objectives -Cooperation with other agencies/Congress -Responsibility [Applause] [General conversation] Presentation of Bible/gifts [General conversation] Unknown man’s collaboration with W. J. Casey [General conversation] -Relief rolls -Potomac fever Bull entered at 11:26 am Gifts for W. J. Casey party -Tie clasp Bull, W. J. Casey, et al. left at 11:26 am 24 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) Manolo Sanchez entered at an unknown time after 11:26 am Weather Sanchez left at an unknown time before 11:30 am President’s schedule Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Trip to Florida -Agriculture dinner -Florida -Visit of Giuseppe Saragat -Trip to California -Agricultural dinner -Entertainment -Trip to Florida -Saragat visit -Trip to California -Dinner for King Hassan II -Camp David -Office press conference -Trip to California -Press conference -Photographers’ dinner -Press conference -California trip -Duration -Correspondents’ dinner -Church service -Correspondents’ dinner -Publishers & editors -Church service -Marines -1st Marine Division -Calley -Timing -Kissinger -Announcement -California trip -Western White House -Vacation -California 25 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -August -Congress -California -Bohemian Grove -Arts and sciences -Republican Governors’ Conference -”Bull” session -Timing Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Topics of conversation -Dent -Mitchell -Robert H. Finch -Thomas W. Evans -Robert J. Dole -Franklyn C. (“Lyn”) Nofziger Appointments -W. J. Casey -Charles W. Yost -Recommendations -Kissinger -Shultz -Dismissals -Alain C. Enthoven -McGeorge Bundy -Shultz -1972 election campaign President’s schedule -Meeting with Barzel Cabinet and staff -Connally’s view -John A. Volpe -Passion Bull entered at an unknown time after 11:26 am President’s schedule -Meeting with Barzel -Rolf Pauls -Kissinger 26 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) Bull left at an unknown time before 11:44 am Cabinet and staff -Commitment to President’s policies -Daniel P. (“Pat”) Moynihan -Lack of passion -Ehrlichman and Shultz Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Ziegler -Klein -Reflection upon the President -Garment’s theory -Connally’s view -Texas drought -Lincoln -Statistics -Lack of warmth/passion -Speech writing -Noel C. Koch -Vice President Spiro T. Agnew -Need for warmth/commitment -Procedures -John K. Andrews, Jr. -John F. Kennedy -Victor Lasky’s Man & the Myth -Publicity -Garment’s opinion Kissinger entered at an unknown time after 11:26 am President’s schedule -Barzel meeting Kissinger left at an unknown time before 11:44 am Cabinet and staff -Commitment to President’s policies -Need for warmth -Price -Letter from unknown person in Florida -Public statement by the President -Press conferences and conversations 27 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Connally’s view -Need for emotion -Peterson, Kissinger, Ehrlichman, et al. -Connally’s view -Lyndon B. Johnson -Style compared with the President -Ehrlichman, Shultz, Kissinger, Mitchell, Donald H. Rumsfeld, and Garment -Instructions for Haldeman Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Illusion -Press conferences and conversations -President’s image -Television -Demonstrators -Connally’s view -Price, Safire, Moore, Klein, Ziegler, Scali, and Colson -Instructions for Haldeman -Public relations -Press conferences -President’s image -Press conferences -Need for evaluation -Kennedy’s image -Rumsfeld’s possible view -McCracken -President’s credibility -Style -Moore, Price, Garment, and Safire -Klein -Scali -Ziegler, Shultz, and Kissinger -Commitment to President’s policies -Connally’s view -Passion -Apathy, efficiency, lack of warmth -Rogers -Schedule -Connally -Views Bull entered at an unknown time after 11:26 am President’s schedule 28 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Meeting with Burns Bull left at an unknown time before 11:44 am President’s image Kissinger entered at 11:44 am Barzel meeting Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) Haldeman left at 11:44 am -Barzel -Minority leader of parliament -Chancellor candidate -Christian Democratic Union [CDU] -Kurt Georg Kiesinger -Points of discussion -Berlin -Presence of Federal Republic of Germany [FRG] -Andrei A. Gromyko -Access routes to Berlin -Sovereignty of East Germany [German Democratic Republic [GDR]] -CDU -Possible vote on negotiations -US/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [USSR] negotiations -Berlin -Access routes -GDR -Presence of FRG -Points of discussion -Interpreter -Duration -President’s schedule -Meeting with Burns Article on People’s Republic of China [PRC] -Haldeman -Henry Hubbard Barzel, Emil (“Bus”) Mosbacher, Jr., and Pauls entered at 11:47 am; the White House photographer and members of the press were present at the beginning of the meeting 29 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) [General conversation] Photo session [General conversation] -Weather Berlin -Importance Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -US position -Statements to Pauls -President’s conversation with Gromyko -[Talking points] -FRG’s presence -Access routes -GDR sovereignty -Negotiations -GDR sovereignty -Negotiations -President’s meetings with FRG leaders -Willy Brandt -Gromyko -FRG’s presence -Sovereignty over access routes -GDR -Negotiations -Technical issues -President’s conversation with Gromyko -FRG presence -Sovereignty -Treaty draft -US position -Four-power responsibility -Technical issues -Points of discussion -Barzel’s September 1970 meeting with the President -FRG’s position -Barzel’s possible public statement -Domestic/foreign policy considerations -Soviet position -Lack of concessions -CDU/Christian Socialist Union [CSU] position regarding Soviet treaties -Vote in Bundestag 30 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -President’s Congressional message [Second annual report to Congress on US foreign policy, February 25, 1971] -Effect on Berlin people -Prevent mass departure from city -Young workers -Links with FRG -US/North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] -Democracy Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Question of FRG presence -Administrative presence -Parliamentary controls -Committees -Group meetings -President’s statements on FRG presence and access rights -Four powers -Possible Soviet rights over three western sectors -Four powers -Impact on democracy -Seriousness of issues -Modus vivendi with USSR -Practical matters -Kissinger -Lack of settlement -Soviet views regarding Brandt’s Ostpolitik -FRG/Soviet differences in point of view -Finality versus lack of settlement -CDU’s position -Leonid I. Brezhnev’s statement -Common concerns of Western world -Skepticism -Soviet intentions -Issue -Soviet intentions -Modus vivendi -Possible FRG concerns -Kissinger’s relations with [David] Kenneth Rush -Impact of problem -German people -CDU -Desire -Viable Berlin -Lessening of tensions 31 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Dangers -Treaty with USSR -Berlin -US policy regarding Soviet/FRG treaty -US position regarding Berlin -Principles -Ambassador [Rush] -Brandt Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -President’s conversation with Gromyko Germany -FRG public opinion regarding USSR -Evaluation -Anti-communism -Disappointments -Brandt’s Ostpolitik -Results -Possible consequences of failure on Berlin issue -Nationalism -FRG foreign policy issues -Nationalism -President’s second annual report to Congress on US foreign policy -Progress on German question -Connection to lessening of tension in Europe -Modus vivendi with GDR -Ostpolitik -German question -FRG government -Temporary arrangement -USSR -Permanent arrangement -FRG domestic politics -Dangers -Economic situation -Political situation -State elections, or Landtag -CDU -European policy field -Summary of general mood 32 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) Marxism -Appeal -Moscow and East Berlin -Karl Marx -FRG and Catholic theologians -Renaissance -Latin America -Intellectuals Conv. No. 479-3 (cont.) -Workers Barzel’s visit -Candor -President’s conversation with Kissinger Kissinger -Possible visit to US Foreign visitors -Visits from governments and opposition -Great Britain -Harold Wilson -France -Italy -Germans/British -Japan -Socialists -Prime Minister [Eisaku Sato] Berlin -Status Farewells -President’s greeting to Barzel’s colleagues -President’s foreign policy views -Kissinger Kissinger, Barzel, Mosbacher, and Pauls left at 12:20 pm 33 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08)