Conversation: 482-022
Prev:  482-021 Next: 482-023Start Date: 19-Apr-1971 4:07 PM
End Date: 19-Apr-1971 4:53 PM
Nixon, Richard M. (President); McClellan, John L.; MacGregor, Clark; BeLieu, Kenneth E.; White House photographer; Recording Device: Oval Office
Full Tape Conversation Start Time: 03:17:40
Full Tape Conversation End Time: 04:03:10
NARA Description:
On April 19, 1971, President Richard M. Nixon, John L. McClellan, Clark MacGregor, Kenneth E. BeLieu, and White House photographer met in the Oval Office of the White House from 4:07 pm to 4:53 pm. The Oval Office taping system captured this recording, which is known as Conversation 482-022 of the White House Tapes.
Nixon Library Finding Aid:
Conversation No. 482-22 Date: April 19, 1971 Time: 4:07 pm - 4:53 pm Location: Oval Office The President met with John L. McClellan, Clark MacGregor, and Kenneth E. BeLieu; the White House photographer was present at the beginning and end of the meeting. Greetings -Arkansas -Seating -Photo [General conversation] BeLieu Staff Agenda -Senate Government Operations Committee National defense -McClellan's support for President Attacks on President -Effect -Armed Services 43 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Police -Federal Bureau of Investigations [FBI] -Press -Vietnam -Politics -Vote on Supersonic Transport [SST] -Robert P. Griffin -Lack of support for President from Republicans Conv. No. 482-21 (cont.) -Politicians -Economy -Confidence in FBI FBI -Mission -Attacks on J. Edgar Hoover -Criticism -”National gestapo” -Number of wiretaps -Destruction of confidence -Protection National defense -Soviet Union [USSR] Intercontinental Ballistic Missile [ICBM] program -Nuclear submarines -Negotiations -US defenses -World safety -McClellan's appearance at University of Arkansas -Questions posed -Disarmament -Dangers -Unilateral disarmament -Ecological consequences -Conversion of weapons -USSR -ICBM's -Numbers compared to US -Nuclear submarines -Timing of parity -Conventional sea & air -Offensive weapons -Possible freeze on defensive weapons 44 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -First strike capability -US position -Analogy to football -Negotiations -Prospects -Antiballistic Missile [ABM] -Effectiveness for money spent -Pentagon Conv. No. 482-22 (cont.) -Cost accounting -Robert S. Mcnamara -Congressional oversight -Need for strength -Diplomacy conditions -Germany -Britain -France -Germany -Economy -Asia -Japan -Economy -PRC -Credibility of US nuclear deterrent -Germany and Japan -Questioning -Japan/PRC -Pacific -Long term prospects -Germany -Europe -US position in world -USSR -Japan -Germany -US nuclear credibility -USSR -Diplomacy/war Vietnam -John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson -President -McClellan's appearance at University of Arkansas 45 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Withdrawal -Johnson -Lack of support for President from Republicans SST -Vote -Lack of understanding -Competition Conv. No. 482-22 (cont.) US merchant marine -Ocean-going cargo -Percentage of share since 1947 Aviation -SST -US position in world Steel industry -Labor negotiations -Wages -Efficiency -Decline in world market -US production -Japan -Japanese production US merchant marine Steel Textiles SST -US position in commercial aviation US position in world -Goals -Frustrations -Japan -Germany -Great Britain/France -PRC/USSR 46 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Quality of systems -Subsidies -Clean-up of ghettos -Need for production Congress -McClellan's support for President -Partisanship Conv. No. 482-22 (cont.) -Robert J. Dole -House Republicans -Gerald R. Ford -Senate Republicans -Richard S. Schweiker -Lack of support for President -Barry M. Goldwater -Effectiveness -Griffin President's schedule -Project -Trip to Williamsburg -Photograph -Dedication of project in Tulsa -Arkansas River navigation project -McClellan-Kerr navigation project -H.R. (“Bob”) Haldeman -Ceremony -Value Economy of Arkansas -Optimism -Trade potential -Natural gas -Federal Power Commission [FPC] -Arkansas [River?] Gas Company -Chairman -[John N. Nassikas] -Peter M. Flanigan Civil Aeronautics Board [CAB] -Unknown airline company -Secor D. Browne 47 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) Independent agencies -FPC -Decisions -Federal Communications Commission [FCC] -Cable systems -Copyright bill -Section III Conv. No. 482-22 (cont.) -Cable systems -Commerce committee -Regulations -Dean Burch -Nicholas Johnson -Staff -President's conversation with Burch -FPC -Flanigan's possible conversation with McClellan -Natural gas case -Flanigan -FPC -MacGregor's possible conversation with Flanigan -Arkansas River navigation project -Importance -Corps of Engineers -President's schedule -Possible visit and speech New Democrat Senators -Vote on SST -Lawton M. Chiles, Jr. -David H. Gambrell -Richard B. Russell and Spessard L. Holland -Chiles -Gambrell -Lockheed Space program -US leadership -Exploration -USSR Defense budget 48 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Prospects -US position -USSR -Negotiations President's reorganization plan -Government Operations Committee -John B. Connally Conv. No. 482-22 (cont.) -McClellan's conversation with Jacob K. Javits -Frank E. Moss -Charles H. Percy's activities -White House -Hearings -Democrats -Abraham A. Ribicoff -Henry M. (“Scoop”) Jackson -Wilbur D. Mills State compact bill -Hearings -Schedule -Prospects McClellan's career -Senate -Judgeship -Arkansas -Senate -Allen J. Ellender -George D. Aiken -James O. Eastland -Mississippi Eastland -Performance -John N. Mitchell's views -Republicans -View of colleagues -Judiciary committee -Anecdote Supreme Court 49 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08) -Harry A. Blackmun -McClellan's initiatives -The Sequoia -Relationship with Warren E. Burger -”Minnesota Twins” -Hugo L. Black -John M. Harlan -Black Conv. No. 482-22 (cont.) -Vacancy -Permissiveness -Moral standards -Decisions McClellan, MacGregor, and BeLieu -Schedule -President's accessibility -Percy Bill-signing -Photo -Mrs. John L. McClellan -Manolo Sanchez -Date -Arkansas River navigation project -Government partnership -Navigation and conservation -Fish and Wildlife [Photo session] Farewells -President's regards to Mrs. McClellan Presentation of gifts by President -Cuff links -Paper weights McClellan, MacGregor, and BeLieu left at 4:53 pm. 50 NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS STAFF Tape Subject Log (rev. 9/08)